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所以,选择五镜环形谐振腔。So we use five-mirror ring cavity.

分析了谐振腔的设计。And analyse the designment of syntonic cavity.

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它的核心部件是一个轴对称壳谐振子。Its key part is a axisymmetric shell vibra-tory.

谐振腔一端为平面反射镜,一端为金属栅网。One end is a plane mirror, the other is a metal mesh.

证明谐振子的任何状态都是薛定谔相干态。It is shown any states of harmonic oscillator are SCS.

它必须使反射谐振器适应极短的波长。It must be the reflection to short wavelength resonator.

针对四次方反谐振子势及其双阱势的束缚态。For both the quartic-anharmonics and double well potentials.

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互感电路的谐振是一个比较复杂的问题。Resonance of mutual inductance circuits is a complex problem.

分析了谐振条件和可能的简并情况。Resonant conditions and possible degenerations are discussed.

因为固有谐振电路不用来设计合成器VCO。Synth VCOs aren't designed using naturally resonant circuits.

对谐振子来说,能级是等间隔的。For a harmonic oscillator the energy levels are evenly spaced.

提出了一种优化设计激光器谐振腔参数的新方法。A new design method to optimize a laser resonator is presented.

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谐振时阻抗为零的电感-电容电路。Inductance-capacitance circuit with zero reactance at resonance.

根据测量数据建立了机械谐振的动态数学模型。The dynamic model of FSM is established on base of measured data.

第二导体104在高波段的一部分内谐振。The second conductor 104 resonates in a portion of the high band.

本文论述了改进的终端开路同轴谐振腔方法。An improved open-ended coaxial line resonator method is presented.

很明显,你会看到一个,简谐振荡。It's clear that you're going to see a simple harmonic oscillation.

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其次,研究半球谐振陀螺基本性能参数的测试方法。Secondly, the testing methods of HRG's specifications are studied.

提出了一种新结构的光学环形谐振腔。A new configuration of an optical ring resonant cavity is proposed.

采用一个并-串谐振网络,提供镜像抑制。A shunt-series resonance circuit was used to supply image rejection.