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在这本漫画书中,我们遭遇了海难。In the comic book we are shipwrecked.

海难的罹难者一个都没找到。No victim of the shipwreck has been found.

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在这些海域多海难事件。There are many shipwrecks in these waters.

而且他还声称这场海难确实发生过。and in fact he claimed that it have happened.

海难救助是海商法所特有的法律制度。Salvage is a special legal system in maritime law.

私掠巡航船在风暴中遇海难。The privateering ship was shipwrecked in the storm.

遭遇海难的水手已经被直升机救起。The shipwrecked sailors were rescued by helicopter.

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它大约在公元150年制造,然后在海难中遗失。It was made around 150 BC, then lost in a shipwreck.

海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law.

我们将靠上她的船,让海难救援人员上去。We'll pull alongside her and put a salvage crew aboard.

一场发生在1200年前的海难拉开了古代全球贸易的序幕。A 1, 200-year-old shipwreck opens a window on ancient global trade.

事实上,对于这次海难报纸上的说法不一。In fact, there are different accounts of the shipwreck in the newspaper.

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为海难救助坚持在艏楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men On forecastle and crew—nest for salvage Of sea casualty.

为海难救助坚持在案首楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men on forecastle and crew-nest for salvage of sea casualty.

比如,你不幸成为一次空难或海难中的受害者,你坐在救生船上,发现救生船提供的求生器具里有几根便捷信号棒。Take for instance you have been the victim of a crash, be it plane or boat.

海难中唯一的幸存者被冲到一个无人居住的小岛上。The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.

请我们的北极星海难头脑,心灵-我们爱你。Please Be the Polestar of our shipwrecked minds, hearts and souls — We love Thee.

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我们又回到了开始的地方,认识不到灾难、海难和崇高。We’re back at what we started without ideas of disaster, shipwreck and the sublime.

这位在海难中失去一切的水手说,他已经穷途末路了。The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.

在靠近大岛的海难,一名工人努力清理海滩,开始不久后擦拭著汗水。A worker wipes his sweat soon after beginning a cleanup effort on a beach near Grand Isle.