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赞美是什么?What is praise?

经常赞美她。Compliment her often.

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我说是近乎赞美。I said almost praise.

我必常常赞美你。I will ever praise you.

让我们赞美他的名!Let us praise His name!

感恩和赞美。Thankfulness and praise.

为什么我要赞美神呢?Why should I praise God?

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以利以谢向谁赞美感谢?Whom does Eliezer praise?

这样的赞美我不敢当。I don't deserve such praise.

我可是赞美丽江的人民。I laud the people of Lijang.

耶稣,我垂暮的赞美。Jesus, Praise of my old age!

您是否觉得这是种赞美?Would you say that's a fair?

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赞美主,荣耀归神!Praise the Lord! Glory to God!

怎么公开赞美他也不不为己甚。You can't praise him too much.

当然是掌声和赞美。Applause and praise, of course.

赞美别人,赞美孩子。Praise people. Praise children.

他们唱圣诗赞美神。They sing hymns to glorify God.

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他赢得了人们的赞美。He won the admiration of people.

这就是我们先赞美神的原因。That’s why we start with praise.

模仿是至高的赞美。Fakery is a kind of a compliment.