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她长时间在镜子中顾影自怜?。He admired herself long in the mirror.

他们没有浪费精力去怨天尤人或者顾影自怜。They did not waste energy on anger or self-pity.

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如果激情是强求我宁愿一生顾影自怜。If feelings are hard I'd rather be alone all my life.

但你不会看到她坐在家中顾影自怜。But you won’t find her sittingat home feeling sorry for herself.

当她面对镜子顾影自怜时,告诉她“你真漂亮!”When she's studying herself in the mirror, tell her, "You are so beautiful."

正当它顾影自怜、想入非非之际,一头猛狮子扑上来,一口把它咬死了。While he was indulging in these proud thoughts , a lion fell upon him , and killed him.

在那些既是顾影自怜而又自命不凡的字眼后面,事情本身的是非曲直是无可争辩的。Behind the words, at once self-pitying and vainglorious, the merits of the case were overwhelming.

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有许多人大大的放大了看似困难的事,就顾影自怜,满心沮丧。Many greatly magnify seeming difficulties, and then begin to pity themselves and give way to despondency.

而如果你只是坐在那里想家,顾影自怜,那么时间就会过得很慢。Whereas if you just sit there and think about home, feeling sorry for yourself, then time can really drag.

每当我顾影自怜,或是为一些小委屈以及其他什么事情感到伤心的时候,我就会走进洗手间,再一次去体会用左手刷牙的滋味。Anytime I feel sorry for myself, for some petty grievance or another, I take my self into the bath room and try once again to brush my teeth with my left hand.

我不确信的是亚裔男生能否消除顾影自怜,勇敢成为亚裔女生的生活里积极的、具有支持性和建设性的一部分。What I'm not so sure about is whether he can ever get over pitying himself and actually step up to be a positive, supportive and constructive component to our lives.

他陶醉于自我欣赏,在电梯里或餐馆里,只要有镜子可照,他决不会忘记顾影自怜。He is infatuated with in the self-admiration, in elevator or restaurant, so long as has the mirror to illuminate, he will forget to reflect and like what one sees in no way.

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但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽鉴人、细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.

但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽黑人,细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.

看到小潘躲在房间深处,怎样对着镜子,顾影自怜,用人工方法掩盖那一片废墟,你一定会觉得那是一场既精彩又伤心的表演。It must have been a grand but melancholy sight to see Pen in the recesses of his apartment, sadly contemplating his ravaged beauty and the artificial means of hiding its ruin.

一起医疗事故夺去了她的视力,她顿时陷入黑暗之中,内心充满愤怒、沮丧,还有顾影自怜,而她可以依靠的只有她的丈夫马克了。As the result of a medical accident she was sightless, suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. All she had to cling to was her husband Mark.

“这没有什么可羞愧的,”德·佐波说,“眼泪并非表明你顾影自怜,而是你必须得到宣泄的悲伤和情感的表现。”"There's no shame in this, " says Del Zoppo. "Tears aren't a sign that you're simply feeling sorry for yourself but are an expression of sadness or emotion that must find an outlet.

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他身上有种合理的顾影自怜感,而在契诃夫的原文里,他的言论差不多是,最典型地反映当时晦暗的社会思想环境的。He is full of a kind of understandable self-pity, and his speeches are in some ways more characteristic of the gloomy intellectual milieu that is reflected in Chekhov's text really than almost anyone else's.