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艺术的敌人就是不学无术。Art has an enemy called ignorance.

不会不学无术,我们追求知识。There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

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努力学习,否则你会是个不学无术的人。Study hard, or you'll be an uneducated man.

瞧瞧他那身打扮,就像个典型的不学无术、只知玩乐的大学生。Look how he's dressed. He looks like Joe College.

是啊,他们都含有三聚氰胺,不学无术。Yeah, and they are all laced with melamine, you ignoramus.

“它能让像你这种不学无术的人远离医学院。”教授回答道。It keeps the ignoramuses like you out of medical school, " replied the professor."

「它可以把像你这种不学无术的傢伙踢出医学院。」教授回答。"It keeps the ignoramuses like you out of medical school, " replied the professor.

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班纳特太太是个智力贫乏、不学无术、喜怒无常的女人。Mrs Bennet was a woman of mean understanding, little information and uncertain temper.

大胆的骗子不学无术却养得肥头胖耳,好人因不会厚颜无耻却饥肠辘。Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense. But good men starve for want of impudence.

戈培尔是个知识分子,看不起慕尼黑领导层不学无术的市侩庸人。As an intellectual Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich.

可见这只挺虎畜生根本就不学无术,它的本事只有造假诈骗。Here we can see that the fake-tiger lunatic is really ignorant. The only thing it can do is to lie and defraud.

庶子在明代的小说中的形象,常是卑鄙愚昧、不学无术,小说必定是反映著当时的社会评价。The image of the sons born from concubines is ignoble , foolish , unlearned and incapable in Ming Dynasty's novel.

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我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress.

她是个智力贫乏、不学无术、喜怒无常的女人,只要碰到不称心的事,她就以为神经衰弱。She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous.

聚会上,和不学无术虚度光阴的张大宽及其女友于乐比起来,肖杨显得雏气十足而让人喜欢。Party, and the ignorance and wasted time of Da wide compared to his girlfriend in the music, Xiao Yang was full of air and makes the child look like.

当慢性疲劳综合症开始被发现时,其很多症状都被看成是忧郁症所致,许多不学无术的医生至今都相信慢性疲劳症就是忧郁症。When CFS gained notice in recent times, many of its symptoms were correlated to depression, and many un-read physicians today still believe thats what CFS is.

教会统治了人的思想,垄断了社会的文化和教育,推行愚民政策,宣扬不学无术是信仰虔诚之母。The church controlled people' s ideas and predominated the culture and education of whole society, pushed obscurant and advocated "the ignorant is mother of the religious belief."