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最后的收益是不会妄自菲薄。The final benefit in my list is far from trivial.

英格兰在威灵顿眼前过于妄自菲薄了。England has been too modest in the matter of Wellington.

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你是否觉得自己不够聪明而妄自菲薄?Have you limited yourself by saying you are not smart enough?

不要跟人攀比而妄自菲薄。Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.

你是一个很优秀的学生,千万不要妄自菲薄。You are an excellent student, you should give yourself credit.

不必妄自菲薄,不要让生命从你身边滑过,就像冬天滑过七月。Why deny yourself don't just let life pass you by like winter in July.

他是个实事求是的人,不会因为自己人的战败而妄自菲薄。He was pragmatic enough to take no insult from the defeat of his people.

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有稳定和长远的职业发展规划,乐观上进,不妄自菲薄,不半途而废。With longer and stable career plan. Being positive, confident and patient.

我宣誓,从今往后,让我珍视自己不再妄自菲薄。I swear that, from now on, I will treasure rather than underestimate myself.

当你价值黄金的时候,无需妄自菲薄,谦卑地接受面包屑般的报酬。No more undercutting yourself and humbly accepting crumbs when you're worth gold.

这个城市面对的问题不少,但是你们也不能妄自菲薄,失去自信。We do face continued problems in the near term, but we must not sell ourselves short.

就在欧洲妄自菲薄数周以前,欧元区刚刚出现了新一轮的危机管理欠妥问题。Europe's self-abasement comes just weeks after the last round of Eurozone crisis mismanagement.

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罗斌指尚恒一向恃才傲物,甚少妄自菲薄,说出这样的话不像尚恒。Mr Luo refers to ShangHeng shi snobbery, little little, say such a thing is not like ShangHeng.

使我们在学习西方艺术时,避免陷入盲目,更不能对本民族妄自菲薄。Enable us to study Western art, to avoid falling into blind, can not sell ourselves short of the nation.

在实践中,记忆的人口中,一些更为模糊的城市在游戏中是不会妄自菲薄。In practice, remembering the population of some of the more obscure cities in the game is far from trivial.

在历史文化问题上妄自菲薄或者固步自封,都是错误的。It is improper to underestimate our capabilities or refuse to make any progress in historic and cultural issues.

智者不会因为自己身材矮小而妄自菲薄,但是他还是宁愿长得高大。The wise man will not despise himself even if he has the statue of a dwarf , but he nevertheless wishes to be tall.

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你不能妄自菲薄,让他人得到属于你应得的事件和机遇。You cannot indulge in your own weaknesses and let others choose events and opportunities for you to get what you want!

工作一段时间以后,有时会陷入一种状态,或者骄傲自大,或者妄自菲薄,都是对自己真实实力的不能把握。After period of work, it sometimes happens that we become arrogant or unconfident, which are both biased self-evaluation.

不要妄自菲薄盲目攀比,正是因为我们每个人是不同的才显得独特。Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It's because we are so different that each of us is special.