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这些货物已抽样验收过了。The goods have sampled out.

验收总结报告?。ASR? acceptance summary report?

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第三十条子项目延期验收。Thirtieth sliver item deferred acceptance.

请不要区分开发、测试、验收和生产环境的部署包No DTAP Environment Specific Packages Please

艉轴管衬套压紧验收。The stern tube liner tightenness to be approved.

交付验收,支付采购尾款。Delivery acceptance, to pay the purchase balance.

中间轴测力验收。Approval of force measurement of intermediate shaft.

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验收报告明天可以给你吗?Shall we present you the acceptance report tomorrow?

验收考核均在白班内进行。The performance test shall be carried out in daytime.

所有验证报告必须包括明确的验收标准。All Protocols must contain a defined Acceptance Criteria.

质保期为验收合格之日起12个月。Warranty period from the date of acceptance of 12 months.

至于验收“田户曹史”,也同样有变化。As for acceptance, "Tabe Cao history, " also have changed.

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其次,使用代码覆盖工具运行您的验收试验。Second, run your acceptance tests under a code coverage tool.

验收监测或调查报告。The Acceptance Inspection Monitoring or Investigation Report.

这座工厂的交工验收期将在二00七年十二月三十一日。The date of acceptance of this plant will be December 31,2007.

该检验不能取代设备到达现场落后行的验收。This Joint ex-works checking can NOT replace Final Acceptance.

到了验收的那天,本尼走向前展示样品。On the day of evaluation, Benny went forth to show the samples.

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该项目通过了国家经贸委组织的国家级验收。This item has examined by the National Economic Trade Committee.

生产液体推进剂用的验收试验设备。Acceptance testing equipment for production of liquid propellant.

陶瓷制品,陶瓷器皿,抽样,检测和验收。Ceramic products, ceramic ware, sampling, inspection and reception.