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加上这一件就凑成全套了。This one completes the set.

她穿着全套新衣服神气活现地走着。She was prancing along in her new outfit.

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求购床一张,最好是全套,比较新。I'd like to buy a like-new bed set, any size.

全套配件连盒,未用过,一年保养。Full set with box, unused , one year warranty.

「我的第一套全套舞衣是我奶奶帮我做的,」Wayne说。My grandma made my first outfit, " says Wayne."

全套服务会使你的指甲看起来更漂亮。Full service will make your nails look prettier.

大部分的赛车手使用的都是全套的氙气灯系统。Most rally drivers use a full complement Xenon lights.

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你的上衣和鞋帽这全套装束很吸引人。Your coat, hat, and shoes make an attractive ensemble.

三阳四气门发动机全套塑料件及…Complete set plastic parts for Sanyo four-valve engine.

他把修理汽车的全套把势都教给了我。He taught me everything I need to know to repair a car.

我想我们最好还是吃全套的和菜。I think we'd better order a full course of tabled'hote.

谁有老版的新概念全套教材?。Who has the old new concept english the full edition?Thanks!

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酒店一般提供全套的设备设施。The hotels provide all the required facilities and equipment.

能与系列搭配全套,寒风中也能穿搭出自我风格。Matching well with all items in the series, and in cold winter.

Molex公司是领先的全套互连产品供应商。Molex is a leading one-source supplier of interconnect products.

利众基金会提供优厚的薪金待遇和全套福利。Trace Foundation offers an excellent salary and benefit package.

新图书馆的全套设备还要花一年才能完成。The complete equipment of the new library will take another year.

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航空寄上订正价格表,全套样品两周内寄出。Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight.

格表,全套样品两周内寄出。Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight.

从毛胚管到整机生产我们拥有全套的太阳能生产线。We have full a complete set of solar water heater production line.