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我们的时代是人才辈出的时代。It is a period prolific of great poets.

青史册册,人才辈出,各领风骚,谁人相助Every ten years a great man Who paid the piper?

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英国戏剧界的年轻一代人才辈出。There is a cloud of youth talent in British building.

中阳县历史悠久,人才辈出。In Zhongyang County has a long history, many talented people.

从1933年建校以来的70年时,人才辈出,群星璀璨。In 1933 from the school since 70 years, talented people, bright stars.

上虞就是这样一个人杰地灵人才辈出的地方啊。Shangyu is a place with remarkable people coming forth in large numbers.

在人才辈出的浙商群体中,宗庆后无疑是个标志性人物。Undoubtedly, Zong Qinghou is a landmark figure in the groups of Zhejiang businessmen.

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他们亲眼目睹了西方教育下的人才辈出,于是便产生了强烈的变革意识。They had also witnessed talent under the Western-educated and created a strong sense of change.

中国南昌,自古就是一座英雄与人才辈出的城市。The Chinese Nanchang, was since old times a heroic and each generation produces talented people city.

也许这个文化底蕴丰富、人才辈出的地方最终将发现自己走在了中国城市竞争力的前沿。Perhaps this cultured, cerebral place will find itself at the vanguard of China’s urban competitiveness after all.

湖湘文化以其深厚的底蕴,造就了近代湖南人才辈出的空前盛况。Hunan culture was plentiful, which brought about a unique case that talents occurred in large number in modern Hunan.

在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。While politically the Jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented.

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哈佛是世界著名的高等学府,精英荟萃,人才辈出。Harvard is a world-famous institution of higher learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation.

西南联大成为一所人才辈出、蜚声中外的高等学府,其主要原因之一是秉持并实践了通才教育的办学理念。Southwest associated university is a top school which brings up lots of talented people and is famous not only in China but overseas.

杨度家族人才辈出,大多旅居海外,在一些领域均取得突出成就。Yang's family fostered lots of outstanding talents, most of which live overseas and gained remarkable achievements in certain fields.

晚清以来,湖湘人才辈出,但为世人所知的大多是一些在政坛上建立了不朽功业的人。From the late Qing dynasty, there are many talents in Hunan. But only ones who got much achievements in politic , are known by people.

四川自古被誉为天府之国,人杰地灵,在艺术领域更是人才辈出,硕果累累。Sichuan has been praised as land of abundance and outstanding people, especially in the arts mahoganypanelled splendour and rewarding.

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宋代的诗人可谓是人才辈出,民俗诗歌也是不胜枚举。Song Dynasty's poets are the whole generation producing talented people, the folk custom poems are also too numerous to cite individually.

我们以人才为根本,渴求并广聚有激情、有责任、有能力、有业绩的全球贤才,使人尽其才,人才辈出。As a talent-based company, we aspire to attract passionate, responsible, competent professional and make best use of their knowledge and skills.

湖州历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,历代人才辈出,书画名家代不乏人。Huzhou with a long history and splendid culture is the place that produces clusters of celebrities including some famous calligraphers and painters.