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好,演绎还是归纳?Okay, deductive or inductive?

图式是为了演绎而设计的。And a schema is designed to evolve.

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䄑翱爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness.

这首甜美的歌曲是由王心凌演绎的。The sweet song is sung by Cyndi Wang.

爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。英文签名带翻译。Love soaked in bracer, deduce sadness.

我最喜爱的“父亲”“祖父”演绎者。The Best "father and grandfather" actor.

在平凡中演绎着永恒。Deduce the abyss of time in the banality.

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如何理解和演绎“好尚好时代”?How to understand and present "hyh time"?

罗拉演绎了她自编的硫黄岛战役。Lola shows us her own rendition of Iwo Jima.

在等待的路上,演绎着一场的情殇。While waiting for the road, deducing a pain.

双赢是共同进化模式下生命所演绎的故事。Win-win is the story of life in coevolution.

但是故事也许还有另一种演绎版本。But there may also be another pattern at work.

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在我的老式雪佛莱汽车里演绎着银幕上的奇迹。Making magic in the movie in my old Chevrolet.

城市演绎精彩,青春炫动未来!City performs excellence, youth changes future!

好现在我们首先来看看演绎论点。Okay now lets look at deductive argument first.

这是演绎有效论点的例子。That's examples of deductively valid arguments.

这一方法被称为假设——演绎方法。This is called the hypothetico-deductive method.

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熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激越。The familiar melodies embody the spirit of this era.

“帝企鹅日记”真的是在演绎爱情么?"March of the Penguins" Too Lovey- Dovey to Be True?

一个头脑简单的我,演绎着我的悲欢离合!Simpleminded I, am deducting my vicissitudes of life!