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他的风范与野心标志着他作为一个不真实的黑人男子,一个虚设。His demeanor and ambition mark him as an inauthentic black man, a sellout.

走私很猖獗,政府的禁运令行同虚设。Smuggling is rampant so the embargo imposed by the government seems useless.

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在两年多的时间里,兰迪为这虚设的公司精心设计制服、标志以及设备。Over a two-year period, Landy meticulously created the uniforms, logos and equipment for his fictitious company.

但长期以来,这项职权并没有得到充分行使,实质上只是一种虚设的、形式上的权力。While, for a long time, the supervision right has not been fully executed, in essence, is just a hypothetical and formal power.

意识形态进入作品后处于一种异己力量的对抗中,在文学语言虚设的语境中暴露了自身的虚幻性。Represented by the fictitious language of works, ideology is put in contradiction with its dissident force and shows its illusion.

党的建设中一定程度上的制度缺位或制度虚设导致的严果后果是我们必须记取的深刻教训。The serious consequences caused by lack of system or the system in name only to a certain extent is a heavy lesson we must learn from.

通过现代电子电路设计中所虚设的全零器、无定器,将分立元件电路转化成集成电路。Disintegrated Element Circuit ware translated into Integrated Circuit by supposition of nullator and norator in modern Electronic Circuits design.

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虚设中间环节实施贪污的行为,其手段隐蔽性强,社会危害大,具有其特有的行为特征。Conducting embezzlement by establishing nominal mid-link has more secret means, greater dangers to the society, and its own behavioral characteristics.

许三观和阿Q在内涵意义上是一致的,他们都形象地反映了人类通过种种虚设的理由以获得心理平衡和精神胜利的原始心理和精神机制。XUN Sanguan shares the same connotation with A-Q, from the aspect of reflecting the primitive mental drive getting the psychic balance with fake reasons.

虚设中间环节贪污与非法经营同类营业罪在表面形式上有诸多共同之处,因此,在司法实践中应从五个方面对两者加以区。There is something in common between the crime of conducting embezzlement by establishing nominal mid-link and the crime of illegal dealing in identical business.

论述了加里宁—米尔加科夫洪水演进方法,通过“虚设下游断面”的概念和变特征河长演进的思路将其改进。Kalinin flood routing method was discussed and improved by the conception of "nominal lower cross-section" and the thought of changing characteristic river length.

根据小湾水电站拱坝虚设结构诱导缝的实际工程要求,采用三维有限元和子模型方法分析研究坝踵处的应力、应变和变形特征,分析研究了设缝对拱坝整体结构的影响。The 3-D FEM is combined with sub-model method to analyze the stress, strain and deformation in the vicinity of dam heel and study the effect of induced joint on the whole structure of dam.

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其实在皇上眼里,那些来求情的,无论朝臣还是高氏宗亲都不过虚设而已,只有太后那头不可小觑。In truth in the emperor's eyes, those to inquire as a prefer of, regardless a courtier is still Gao Shi's clan relatives all however is nominal just, only queen mother that can not small Qu.

国有企业中存在的所有者虚设、产权不明晰、代理成本过高、企业管理者激励和约束机制不完善等问题,从而导致了企业效率低下。The problems such as ownership empty, unclear property fight, high agency cost and faultiness of motivation and constraint do exist. All of them cause the inefficiency of Chinese enterprises.