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我注意到所有的女人也都拿着砍刀。The women, I noticed, were all clutching machetes.

我们过去常在下面休息的那棵树已砍刀了。The tree under which we used to take a rest has been cut down.

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在穿过森林的路上,他用砍刀开出一条小径。He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest.

他找到他的砍刀,并查看他周围阴暗的森林。He finds his machete and stands surveying the gloomy forest around him.

曾看过高手用此种砍刀手起刀落劈下整个牛头的照片,劈砍力是相当惊人!I've seen a picture that a man cut an ox's head with it. How egregious !

“我们是埃及人,我们是真正的男人”,一个店挥舞着砍刀说。“We’re Egyptians. We’re real men,” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete.

一名男子一手挥着砍刀,一手拽过女子的挎包。A man single-handedly waved machetes in one hand and a woman, Ye Guo's satchel.

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他身着长袍,披戴金色盔甲,武器是一把巨大的砍刀。He wore long robes, and golden armor. Terak armed himself with a massive machete.

这几个男人拿着大砍刀,把这些砍刀在附近的岩石上磨得象剃刀一样锋利。The men hold huge cleavers, which are in a few strokes whetted to razor sharpness on nearby rocks.

一群一群的人们在店铺前手持铁管、棍子和砍刀,警察后来驱散了他们。Groups of men carrying pipes sticks and cleavers milled in front of shops before police dispersed them.

不过无妨,徒步到这个阶段我们用砍刀在丛林里砍出一条路来。It was just as well. By this stage in the walk, we were having to use machetes to hack a path through the jungle.

说话的人自称查尔斯,24岁,坐在森林里一颗新伐倒的原木上,手上握着一把砍刀。The speaker gives his name as Charles, a 24-year-old sitting on a freshly cut log in a forest, a machete in his hand.

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肯尼亚境内多得是那种随时随地能拿起砍刀砍杀自己邻居的部落。Kenya is full of tribes who pick up machetes whenever it suits them and go chop the arms and legs off their neighbors.

据报道,他们登上列车,用砍刀抢劫并袭击的偷乘者,还用枪将他们劫持走。They reportedly boarded the train, robbed and hit the stowaways with machetes, and took a group of them away at gunpoint.

一些手持石头,棍棒和砍刀的基督徒和穆斯林发生冲突,数十辆汽车被点燃。Groups of Christian and Muslim youths armed with stones, clubs and machetes clashed, and dozens of vehicles were set ablaze.

在屋顶搁浅的那些您看了对天空为解放,您然后看见海岸警卫砍刀来。Those of you who were stranded on rooftops looked to the sky for deliverance, and then you saw the Coast Guard choppers come.

该联盟称有人弄到大批砍刀,或用来防御,或用来袭击。The coalition said that there had been a massive acquisition of pangas or machetes either for defensive or offensive purposes.

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如果一切都失败了,采取一切无用的硬件出到后院,去同一个方便的球棒,高尔夫球俱乐部,砍刀,斧头或到城里。If all else fails, take all the unused hardware out to the back yard and go to town with a handy bat, golf club, machete, or axe.

两个月前,一名挥舞砍刀的男子在中国西南部一个民办托儿所杀死3名孩子,砍伤13人。Two months ago, a man with a machete killed three children and injured 13 others in a private day-care centre in southwest China.

精英海盗是从战斗经验丰富的海盗中选出的。这些强悍的战士和他们手中的砍刀都渴望更多的血。Elite Pirates are chosen from battle-experienced Pirates. Both these fierce fighters and their sharp cutlasses lust for more blood.