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孩子们在草地上翻起了跟头。Children tumbled in the grass.

我在草地上翻了个跟头。I turned a somersault on the lawn.

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她一下子就翻了一个跟头。She performed a somersault with ease.

飞机连翻了三个跟头。The plane looped the loop three times.

巴巴拉破产了,她栽了个大跟头。Barbara came a cropper when her business failed.

他翻了几个跟头之后,一头栽进了大海里。After a few summersaults, he splashed into the ocean.

劳埃德骑车栽了跟头,把腿摔断了。Loyd came a cropper on his bicycle and broke his leg.

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才怪。我唱歌听起来跟头病牛一样。我五音不全!No way. I sound like a sick cow. I can not carry a tune!

采用了两个普通电闸刀改制成一个跟头闸。A two-way brake is employed to replace two ordinary brakes.

穿着暴露的男女舞者翻着跟头从舞台上穿插而过。Half-naked male and female dancers pranced across the stage.

他打开门,踩了个香蕉皮,摔了个跟头。He opened the door and stepped on a banana skin and fell down.

我们玩得非常高兴,有一次我还在水里翻了一个跟头呢!We had a good time. And I had taken a somersault in the water.

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我们玩得非常高兴,有一次我还在水里翻了一个跟头呢!We are very happy to play, I once Also a fall in the water over it!

然而,在五天后的蒙得维的亚,科威尔等诸将却摔了跟头。Five days later in Montevideo, however, Harry Kewell and co came a cropper.

我妈把购物车朝我一推就窜到了门口。购物车差点把我撞一跟头。My mom pushed the cart at me, nearly knocking me over, and sprinted for the door.

电视画面显示,在巴黎郊区,防暴警察跟头戴面具的学生发生冲突。Television footage showed riot police battling masked students in suburban Paris.

现在只有卡在越野车里,和它一齐在峡谷里翻着跟头。Now I tumbled inside the SUV as it somersaulted down the ravine. Branches snapped.

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而一旦重权在握,也就是处于繁华之时,就在人生的道路上栽了跟头。Once-powerful, that is, at the time of prosperity, on the road of life came a cropper.

不过,有时候低头认错可以帮助栽了跟头的总统拍掉身上的尘土。Sometimes an admission of a mistake can help a president clear the air after making a bad stumble.

紧跟着与太阳和国王的两场胜仗,我们谁也无法料到马刺会在波特兰摔了跟头?Tony, following two wins in Phonix and Sacramento, we anticipated everything but a loss in Portland.