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这个甜瓜太软了。This cantaloupe is too soft.

我有一个猕猴桃和一个甜瓜。Jag har en kiwi och en melon.

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苹果和甜瓜是我喜爱的水果。Apples and melons are my favourite fruits.

鸡蛋甚至可以破坏甜瓜中的碳水化合物。The eggs even break down the melon's carbs.

极早熟纯薄皮甜瓜杂交种。Extremely thin skin melon hybrid early pure.

种类如哈蜜瓜、蜜瓜和冬甜瓜。Examples include cantaloupe, honeydew, and casaba.

挖空一个甜瓜,在上面挖一个小洞,把它挂在天花板上荡来荡去。Hollow out a melon. Make a small hole in the side.

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他会切开一个甜瓜,然后在用鼻子闻上好几个小时。He would hold a cut melon to his nostrils for hours.

高档网纹厚皮甜瓜新品种。Ruilong Melon is a new top grade grinding melon variety.

好了!吃完甜点,让我们也吃点甜瓜和柳丁。Alright! After desserts , let's have palmelos and oranges.

只要加强防守,AI和甜瓜就会去投不着边际的投篮的。Tighten up the D, AI and Melo will take ill-advised shots.

水是甜瓜生产的重要条件之一。The water is an important factor of production in muskmelon.

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这些甜瓜在维生素C的王国里占有重要地位。These melons are real standouts in the vitamin C department.

香瓜香瓜又称甜瓜或甘瓜。Cantaloup Cantaloup weighs muskmelon or pleasant melon again.

突然,一块甜瓜大小的石头从负载的卡车上滚落下来。Suddenly a cantaloupe-size rock tumbled from the truck's load.

对不起,西瓜过时了,甜瓜怎么样?I'm sorry. Watermelon is out of season. How about cantaloupes ?

如果甜瓜最终还是被交易了,那掘金将会扮演另一个微妙角色。If Melo is dealt, however, the Nuggets may be a factor another way.

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他还发现乔·哈帕和哈克·费恩正在一条巷子里吃偷来的甜瓜。He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.

世界薄皮甜瓜看中国,中国薄皮甜瓜在齐齐哈尔。The thin skin look at China, China melon thin skin melon in qiqihar.

用甜瓜、香蕉、橙子、葡萄和芒果做的一种水果沙拉。It 's a fruit salad with melon , bananas , oranges , grapes and mango.