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这船由提督指挥。The ship is commanded by the general.

将军和提督能左右着一支军队。Generals and Admirals can make or break a military.

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在大马色亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马色城要捉拿我。guarded the city of the Damascenes desiring to arrest me.

提督衙门外西南200米处是水师提督丁汝昌的寓所。Admiral Yamen is 200 meters outside the Southwest Admiral Ding Yu's apartment.

这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。This was the Northern Navy commander's office, or commonly known as the Navy Yamen.

他父亲和祖父都成为四星级的美国海军提督。His father and his paternal grandfather both became four-star United States Navy admirals.

你找到你的提督味重赛,现在你想你姿态约会仙境传说。You ve found your prefect match and now you re wondering about your profile floating around in dating wonderland.

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在大马士革亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马士革城要捉拿我。In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me

丁汝昌原本是清朝末期的一个旧式陆军军官,被李鸿章任命为北洋海军提督。Ding Ruchang the late Qing Dynasty, was originally an old army officer, was appointed to the Northern Naval Commander Li.

提督署背山面海,坐北朝南,围以长垣,占地1万平方米,是一座砖木结构的古建筑群。Admiral Department overlooking facing south, surrounded by Changyuan, covers an area of 10,000 square meters, is an ancient brick buildings.

但是,江北提督与众不同的最根本之处在于其对江北地区新政的主持。However, the most fundamental difference between Jiangbei Tidu and other officers was that it had the right to manage the new deals in Jiangbei Distinct.

广东省自巡抚以下的文武百官,见提督大人对查伊璜如此恭敬,无不暗暗称异。The Guangdong officials, from the Provincial Governor downwards, were secretly puzzled to see the great General Wu behaving so deferentially towards his guest.

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长江巡阅使和长江水师提督是长江水师最主要的高级将官,整个晚清时代长江水师的高级将官职位基本上被湘淮集团所控制。The Yangtze Xunyue Shi and the Yangtze River Army Tidu were the major generals of the Yangtze River Army. The offices of the senior generals were controlled by the Xianghuai Group.

所幸的是,节制江北提督的直属上司两江总督在诸多问题上与其保持着至少表面上的一致,因为两者皆与北洋集团关系匪浅。Fortunately, the Liangjiang Governor, who was Jiangbei Tidu's supervisor, maintained the same on the surface of many issues because both of them had deep relationships with Yuan Shikai Group.

虽然江北提督对江北地方政治、经济以及军事的发展可谓不余遗力,但这似乎并没有改变江北地方官绅对江北提督若有若无的排挤。Although Jiangbei Tidu spared no effort to the political, economic and military developments of Jiangbei distinct, it seemed not change the situation that the local officers' vague exclusions to them.