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在这个国家,非法翻印曾经是司空见惯的。Pirating used to be commonplace in this country.

本刊得到特别许可翻印这本书。We obtained special permission to reproduce the book in our magazine.

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这几张照片是得到通用电气公司允许而翻印的。These photos were reproduced by courtesy of the General Electric Company.

这些相片是征得“通用电气公司”的许可而翻印的。These photos were reproduced by courtesy of the General Electric Company.

这些照片是得到通用电气公司的许可而翻印的。These pictures are reproduced by courtesy of the General Electric Company.

请留意版权,未经作者同意不能翻印。Please note the copyrights of the materials and do not reproduce without the author's permission.

周六,“传媒巨人”新闻有限公司在一份声明中称,对侵权电影的评论无疑助长了非法翻印News Corp. said in a statement Sunday that the review promoted piracy by reviewing a pirated movie

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未经BGI事先书面允许,不得以任何方式翻印本说明书任何内容。No part of this presentation may be reproduced in any manner without the prior written permission of BGI.

美国珠宝学院赞助英国宝石学院将英文教材翻印成中文。Jewelry Institute of America is proudly supporting Gem-A to translate its English course books to Chinese.

如有印刷事业或机构有意翻印采用本范本,本基金会谨此表示抛弃著作权以供自由翻印。TMM Foundation hereby waives all and any rights of action or other claims to the copyright of this template.

“徐氏家传命理医生手册”只许自己研究使用,不得翻印贩卖。"Dr. Xu 's well-known astrologer Manual" be allowed to use their own research may not be reproduced trafficking.

我要是结婚了的话,我就把俺老婆一岁的照片翻印几张,放在钱包里。If I got married, I would like to reproduce my wife's photo when she was just one year old and put it in my wallet.

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市场上对廉价盗印光碟的需求非常庞大,因而鼓励不法之徒进行非法翻印和制造冒牌货品的勾当。The demand for cheap pirated optical discs is considerable and this provides the incentive for piracy or counterfeiting.

许可证由广电总局统一印制,严禁伪造、翻印、涂改、出租、转让。The licenses shall be uniformly printed by the SARFT, and no forging, pirating , leasing or transferring may be permitted.

我刚结婚的时候,记得读到一本翻印自早期清教徒婚姻手册的小册子。When I was first married, I remember reading a pamphlet that had been reproduced from an early Puritan tract about marriage.

而且,开心发现陈上师的原作在非法翻印的版本中,有更多的错谬及删改。Furthermore, Kai Xin discovered much more shortcomings and injustice done to Guru Chen's original works in the pirated version.

在南社成立一百周年的时候,我特别翻印此诗集,以纪念我亲爱的祖母姚竹心。Thus, I made a special effort to re-print her poetry anthology at the centenary of Nan She to memorialize my dear grandmother Yao Zhuxin.

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如未获版权持有人允许,不得用任何方式抄袭、翻印、储存在任何检索系统上或传输。No part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

结婚证中间贴着照片,男的是他的那张旧照片翻印的,女的粗眉大眼的不难看。In the middle, there were pictures, the male one was of him that was sent and the female one showing a woman with thick eyebrows and large eyes, not bad looking.

正是摄影技术的使用,图片开始迅速泛滥——先是一次性成像图片,接着是湿版翻印出来的图片和以后的彩色图片。Due to the application of photographic technologies, all kinds of pictures become popular and familiar to the common people, such as one-time formed picture, copy picture and the colorful picture.