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胥吏的职能分工细致,各司其职。The Xuli, describing the function division meticulous.

但这幅画营造出一种安静祥和且各司其职的家庭生活。Rather, it conjures up a quiet and dutiful domesticity.

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在蜂房中,它们各司其职,形成紧密的组织。In their hives, they are organized according to their function.

今天是中国农历新年的除夕之夜,我们全家欢聚一起,都各司其职。It's Chinese New Year's Eve, our family get together. We do different things.

因此,道德灰色地带使管理人员和工人都能各司其职。Thus, moral gray zones enable both managers and workers to perform their roles.

让两个球员能各司其职非常重要。Making it much more important that both players in are able to do each duty very well.

印刷、电子和网络媒体在政治竞选中各司其职。Print, electronic and Internet media each play different roles in political campaigns.

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这个阶段的电视散文图像与文字已经各司其职了。At this stage, the image and character of the TV essay both served their purposes well then.

该委员会由三个分会组成,他们各司其职。The committee is comprised of three sub-committees with different areas of responsibilities.

在这两支球队中都有球员明确地专事防守,其他人则负责进攻,大家各司其职却很少互动串联。Certain players were clearly designated to defend, others to attack, with very little to link them.

行政、立法、司法机关要各司其职,各负其责。The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references.

今后,机器翻译与人工翻译将会各司其职、和谐共存。There is no doubt that MT and human translation can and will co-exist in harmony and without conflict.

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在政府的文化建设工作中,两者不能混为一谈,必须各司其职,分流对待。The two cannot be confused in the government's cultural construction, and they should be treated separately.

从厨师长、厨工、清洁、服务员都编订各司其职的训练计划。From the chef, kitchen workers, cleaning out all the attendants are to compile its functional training program.

在社会经济发展中,精英教育与大众教育各司其职,不可替代,二者相辅相成。Both popularizing education and elite education play great roles in the development of society and economy of China.

中国已经建立了落实工作国内协调机制,43家政府部门将各司其职,保障各项工作顺利推进。The domestic coordination mechanism for the implementation comprised of 43 government departments has been established.

当我不断的告诉我自己这些事的时候,这个时刻会使我更加容易分辨所有的东西,然后让他们各司其职。When I remind myself of these things, it's easier to keep it all together and put it all where it goes. Or leave it be.

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与其他同事一起确保平稳运营,确保所有员工各司其职,各尽其责。Works with other personnel to ensure a smooth operation, and that every staff member carries out their duties accordingly.

这种模式的基本思路就是优势互补、各司其职、共同发展、共同进入电子商务时代。The basic idea is that this model complement each other, their duties, common development and common access toe-commerce era.

空间就这样相互融合,又相互分割,不露痕迹地各司其职。The air space blends mutually like this and partitions mutually again, don't expose trace earth each attends to his own duties.