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他们的信仰接受考验。Their faith was tested.

这是考验意志的行为。This is an act of will.

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悲伤使他在精神上经受了考验。Sorrow had baptized him.

他要考验他们。He puts them to the test.

今天,我们在经受考验。Today, we are being tested.

不老泉是一个考验。The Fountain does tests you.

真理经得起时间的考验。Turth is the daughter of time.

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或者爱.是经得考验的!Love on the way, Love is yours!

只有经得住考验,才会生存下来。It did not proof into existence.

它是对烈火对真金的考验。It's the true test of its stuff.

约瑟夫经受了悲伤的考验。Joseph was baptized with sorrow.

他们是对你人性的一种考验。They are a test of your humanity.

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千万不要考验我的宽容度。Don't ever challenge my tolerance.

不老泉是一个考验。The Fountain does tests you, Gibbs.

她考验她男朋友的诚实。She tested her boy friend's honesty.

不老泉是一个考验。Thee Fountain does tests you, Gibbs.

这是唯一的考验,是很要紧的考验。But it is the only test that matters.

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现在,考验又缠上了孩子们。Now the kids were stuck in an ordeal.

他们振奋精神迎接考验。They manned themselves for an ordeal.

我们会检讨和考验这个基础之上。We will review and tests this builds.