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和亚麻油等干性油混制成的颜料。Pigment mixed with drying oil , exp . linseed oil.

干性油在所有油基涂料中是主要的载色剂。The drying oils are the major vehicle in all oil-base paints.

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这层膜是由于干性油氧化形成的。The sheet of membrane was formed from the oxygenation of dry oil.

制造长、中、短油性醇酸树脂、松脂、安尔油和干性油。It is mainly used for short, medium and long oil alkyd resins, tall oils.

用于气干性油墨与涂料,有效阻碍结皮。For air dry ink and coating applications, effectively hinder the skinning.

油漆-颜料,干性油,聚合物,树脂,松脂制品,纤维素酯,以及油墨载体。Paint-Pigments, Drying Oils, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles.

这一研究为国内古代壁画中干性油及其种类的鉴别提供了一种有效的方法。The proposed method is expected to effectively identify individual siccative oils as binding media in ancient paintings.

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以环氧树脂和干性油脂肪酸为主要原料,合成了常温固化环氧酯树脂,并经乳化制得乳液。An epoxy ester resin based on epoxy resin and drying fatty acids has been prepared, then emulsified and resulting a emulsion.

介绍了用环氧树脂、脂肪酸、干性油、季戊四醇、邻苯二甲酸酐制成的气干型环氧酯底漆。An air-drying epoxy ester primer is prepared based on epoxy resin , fatty acid, drying oil, pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride.

对包装行业印铁制罐中白墨底基结合热干性油墨的中性灰平衡进行了研究。This research was for the neutral gray balance of heating dry ink printed on white ink substrate in metal printing & can making packaging industry.

这寻址和可靠性使柯达申请明确干性油墨的足够数量,以形成一个救济形象,提高至28微米的高度匹敌热。This addressability and reliability allow Kodak to apply a clear dry ink in sufficient quantity to form a relief image, up to 28 micron height—rivalling thermography.

采用热裂解气相色质谱分析方法,研究了古代壁画中常见的亚麻油、核桃油、罂粟油和桐油4种天然干性油类黏合剂。The siccative oils were identified via pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for linseed oil, walnut oil, poppy oil and tung oil used as binding media in ancient paintings.