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中国和老挝直到1988年才恢复邦交正常化。China and Laos did not normalize ties until 1988.

圣露西亚成为台湾第二十五个邦交国。Saint Lucia became Taiwan's 25th diplomatic ally.

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1970年代初期的重点是恢复邦交。In the early 1970s, the focus was on rapprochement.

邦交在各诸侯国的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。Diplomacy had much function in each development process of various states.

远的两国开始了一种亲睦的邦交。A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.

基于此福田赳夫政府实现了与中国恢复邦交。In the practice of it, Mr Fukuda père opened diplomatic relations with China.

一些中国的邦交伙伴,像津巴布韦和苏丹,简直是国际上的亡命之徒。Some Chinese associates, such as Zimbabwe or Sudan, are international outlaws.

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难怪台湾的邦交国一直以来都屈指可数。It's no wonder that Taiwan's diplomatic allies can almost be counted on one hand.

今年恰逢中日邦交正常化35周年。This year marks the 35th anniversary of normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties.

但分析家们认为,此次访问能否给两国邦交带来深远影响尚属未知。Effecting any lasting change in the two countries' relations is another matter, analysts say.

1960年,美国政府对古巴实施贸易禁运,几个月后断绝了与古巴的邦交。Washington imposed a trade embargo against Cuba in 1960 and broke off diplomatic relations some months later.

1972年,中日实现邦交正常化,揭开了两国关系新篇章。China and Japan achieved normalization of diplomatic relations in 1972, opening a new chapter of bilateral ties.

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目前目标为中南美洲的邦交国,促进当地教育普及。The current target demographics to promote the spread of local education are our diplomatic allies in Latin America.

1972年日本已故首相田中角荣在中日恢复邦交时,赠予我国,作为礼品树。In 1972, this plant was presented by the later Japan prime minister for resuming the diplomatic relations china and Japan.

星际联邦与克林贡帝国邦交恶化,随之而来的是近70年的冷战。Relations between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire degenerate, followed by some 70 years of Cold War.

日韩邦交正常化并非日韩双边谈判的产物,而是美日韩三国共同努力的结果。The normalization is not the result of Japan-ROK negotiations but the product of the joint efforts of America, Japan and ROK.

报界把这件事看作是两国之间即将恢复邦交的预兆。The press saw the event as a straw in the wind that augured the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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朝鲜与日本邦交正常化的谈判特使宋日昊说,如果制裁不取消,朝鲜就要采取更强硬的措施予以报复。North Korean envoy to Japan Song Il Ho says his country will retaliate with stronger measures if the sanctions are not lifted.

然而,对美国和越南来说,关闭历史记忆的门,对两国建立正常邦交,打开一个新的灿烂的篇章,似乎是最好的选择。And yet, to open a new and bright chapter between the U.S. and Vietnam, it seems best if both sides close the door of the past.

中国官方的媒体强调今年应该主要庆祝中日邦交正常化35周年。China's state media emphasise that this year should be celebrated as the 35th anniversary of "normalised" relations with Japan.