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职责总是会召唤自由民。Duty always called free men.

过去女人被认为是从属于自由民的。Women were regarded as subordinate to free men.

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自由民害怕换肤者,但是他们也尊敬我们。The free folk fear skinchangers, but they honor us as well.

宁作自由民之首,不为贵族之尾。Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry.

宁作自由民之首,不为贵族之尾。Better is the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry.

唯有出生于自由民的男性方可参加奥运会比赛。Only freeborn male citizens could take part in the Olympic Games.

但我们不应该坚持认为中国将变成自由民主体。But we should not insist that China will turn into a liberal democracy.

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“也许他对于以自由民身份拥有丰厚家底身为困惑”他如是言及查理斯。He said of Charles, “Perhaps he has confused making money with freedom.”

英国人,像个自由民一样,经由自己所喜欢的途径上天堂。An Englishman, like a freeman, goes to heaven by the way which pleases him.

一户罗马家庭的奴隶及被释放的自由民,法律上就称为。The slaves and the freed persons of a Roman household Familia were legally the ones who were the familia.

中国的自由民却是在显族难产的过程中,逐渐取得历史地位。China's freedman was remarkable family in the process of giving birth, and gradually achieve the historical status. " Mr."

那时,劳动只局限于奴隶和少数没有积累到足够独立财富的自由民。At that time work was restricted to slaves and to those few free citizens who had not yet accumulated adequate independent resources.

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但羁押就是强制剥夺了自由民的人身自由,且又因具有与监禁刑事实上相同的法律效果,而与无罪推定原则产生冲突。According to the principle of innocent presumption, anybody will be treated as a innocent man in the law, so they should have freedom.

她的基督民主同盟遭遇了目前为止最糟糕的结果,而其自由民主政党同盟没能成为国家的立法机关。Her Christian Democratic Union had its worst-ever result, and its Free Democratic Party allies failed to get into the state legislature.

十一艘远远不够,可是再等下去,艰难堡的自由民很可能在救援舰队到达之前死去。Eleven ships was no wise enough, but if he waited any longer, the free folk at Hardhome would be dead by the time the rescue fleet arrived.

如果任何一个人将皇宫男性或女性的奴隶,或者自由民男性或者女性的奴隶带到城市大门外面,他将被处以死刑。If anyone takes a male or female slave of the court, or a male or female slave of a freedman, outside the city gates, he shall be put to death.

他们界定黑人身份,安置、教育黑人,建立处理自由民、难民事务的军事机构自由民局。They defined blackmen's identity, settled and educated blackmen and set up the Freedmen's Bureau that dealt with the matters of freedmen and refugees.

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从国家利用优惠政策吸引“客”等流民自动回归的事实,说明脱籍的流民是自由民。The fact that the state made "Passenger" return in preferential policies proved the displaced persons that lose household registration were free persons.

它对于“自由民”的权利的规定体现了英国权利观念的特点,并树立起了英国人权传统。It stated the rights of free man which embodies the characteristic of the idea of rights in England and built up the tradition of human rights of England.

⑤已成为国王土地承租人的贵族又把土地分配给小贵族、骑士和自由民,同样换取货物和服役。The barons, who had become William's tenants-in-chief, parceled out land to the lesser nobles, knights and freemen, also in return for goods and services.