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高的颧骨。Cheekbones high.

北京猿人的颧骨较高。Peking Man cheekbones higher.

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脸是结实红润的,颧骨高高的。The face was strong, big-boned and ruddy.

将动作变大,直至颧骨。Continue the movement up to the cheekbone.

他颧骨上有一块三角形的伤疤。There was a triangular scar on his cheekbone.

他们不喜欢高颧骨和小眼睛。They don't like big cheekbones or small eyes.

此外,我延长皱纹的颧骨地区。Also, I extended wrinkles to the cheekbone areas.

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颧骨中心性血管瘤临床罕见。Central hemangiomas of the zygoma is a rare disease.

他脸颊凹陷,颧骨突出。His cheeks were sunken and his cheek-bones prominent.

你的头磨我的骨锯打破颧骨。Grinding at your head with my bone saw breaking zygoma.

她现在颧骨更高了,开始操起了模特儿生涯。With her new cheekbones, she began a career as a model.

身材很瘦,高颧骨,凸鼻子,薄嘴唇。He is skinny, with hollow cheeks, humpbacked nose and thin lips.

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福格特被打断右颧骨严重脑震荡。Voigt suffered a fractured right cheekbone and a severe concussion.

方形镜框则会让你较宽的颧骨和眼部看起来略显消瘦。Square frames will also slim down your wide cheekbones and eye area.

女王拥有高高的颧骨、天鹅般的颈项,面部肌肤柔滑润泽。The queen had high cheekbones, a swanlike neck, and smooth features.

刷腮红按照自颧骨到眼窝的顺序。Red-cheek brush should follow the order of from the cheekbone to eyehole.

我的颧骨很高,我要怎样上妆才可将别人的注意力转移到别的地方?。I have high cheekbones . How can I draw people's attention away from them?

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您应该使用运动风格的镜框来增加颧骨以上的面部宽度。You should have sport styles of frames that add width above the cheekbone.

炉火在她的脸庞上跳动,照射出她高高的颧骨的线条。The firelight danced over her face, over the steep lines of her cheekbones.

他脸盘很大、很长,浓眉大眼,颧骨突出。He had a large, long face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.