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保证最后形成中华诗歌地图最终选本。Ensure that the final map of the final form of Chinese poetry anthology.

诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism.

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同时,小说选本还为阅读和创作提供了范本。Meanwhile, The fiction anthology has also provided a model for reading and writing.

电视教育是电视文化的一类基本形态,具有“选本”属性。TV education is a basic form of TV culture, possessing the attribute of selecting noumenon.

选本是我国古代文学理论批评的重要形式之一。Selected works is one of the important form of the ancient literary theory criticizes in our country.

同样,在英语世界里传播范围最广的唐诗选本也是它。Moreover, it is the most widespread and best-known anthology of T'ang poems in the English-speaking world.

本文主要探讨三言二拍选本出现的历史原因以及选本所呈现的总体特征。This article mainly discusses the historical reason why the anthologies appeared and the general characteristics.

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周一到周四我们在大家说英语中会教一个实用句型。请点选本日的日期进来看看!From Monday to Thursday at Let's Talk in English we teach a useful sentence pattern. click on today's date and see!

您可以点选本页左方的选单,确认图书馆各楼层的无线网路讯号强度。You can click the list on the left side of this page to check the volume of the signal on each floors of the library.

最后一章讨论了唐人较为常用的四种批评方法,即意象批评法、纵横批评法、摘句褒贬法、选本批评法。In the last section, we talk about four criticizing methods of theirs. Each chapter has its main points and minor points.

这与语文教育目的、中国古代选本、中国古代文论以及现代文论、文学思潮等等有着密切关系。It is in connection with Chinese teaching aims, Chinese classical anthology and Chinese classical literature theory, ect.

再次,梳理钟惺的主要著述,分析其诗文选本的选文倾向和评文特点,并予以评价。At last, his main writings is list systematically, the selection tendency and critiquing characteristic is analyzed and evaluated.

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通过勾稽史料,检阅多种总集、别集、选本、方志、馆藏目录及目录学著作,可以考得五代以迄民国时期广东词人至少三百八十四家。By consulting relevant literature, this paper makes a collection of at least 384 Ci-writers at different times in Guangdong Province.

这三种小说选本适应了不同层次读者的阅读需求,共同促进了小说的传播和保存。They 'meet the different tastes of readers at different levels and altogether contribute to the spreading and preservation of fictions.

金、元二代,柳永词通过选本的传播由彰显归于消歇,士人对柳永词的接受也呈现出潜隐状态。During un and Yuan Dynasties, the spread of Liu Yong's Ci-poetry through selective collections takes on a trend ranging from prominence to prosaicness.

“唐宋八大家”选本被经典化是在宋、元以来散文选本和散文批评理论的基础上逐步演进而成的。The classicizing of this selection was gradually formed on the basis of the selective proses and prose critical theory after the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

系统梳理晚清词论家陈廷焯对于历代词选的批评,以此凸现陈廷焯的选本理念。This paper gives a systematic survey of the late Qing Dynasty's Ci expert, Chen Tingzhuo's Ci selection and criticism, and shows his idea in Ci selection.

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戏曲选本的内涵和外延、文献保存和研究状况以及其研究价值都具有学术意义。This article tries to define its intension and extension, to generalize its preservation of documents and research condition and to sum up its studying value.

崇祯元年以后,这些选本就成为八大家选本的主力,持久而活跃地在文学教育,特别是家塾文学教育中扮演着重要的角色。They became popular during Emperor Chongzhen time and have played a great role ever since then in the literary education, especially the family school education.

闲暇无事,约上数人围坐在一起,选本好书,品茶、读书,很有围炉促膝之感。If you have time, ask your friends to be here, pick up a good book and read, and taste a cup of tea, buddies sitting around keen to keen, like surrounding a stove.