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过多地曝露于电视或电脑的人工光源中可能是一个原因。Exposure to more artificial light from TVs or computers is one theory.

大面积的玻璃幕墙使华丽的内部曝露于街道及整个城市面前。The majestic glass façade opens the inside to the street and the city.

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然而,当我们让ASP.NET运行于这一集成模式时,就会曝露出一些无法兼容的改变。However, when running ASP.NET in integrated mode reveals several breaking changes.

有效区域扫描并不能曝露出塔盘水力学的重要信息。The active area scan did not reveal anything remarkable about the tray hydraulics.

请戴保护手套和眼睛防护装置,以避免曝露在切割的灰尘与烟雾之中。Wear protective gloves and eye protector to prevent exposure to cutting dust or mist.

光化学角质大多数出现在曝露在阳光下的部位,如脸,颈、前臂、嘴唇等。They most commonly appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, neck, forearms or lips.

因此,那些特别易受流感影响的人应避免长时间曝露在太阳底下。People at particular risk for the flu should therefore avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun.

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同时也曝露了缺点,对于平滑滤波的抵抗性很差。Expose the shortcoming at the same time that is very poor to the resisting of smooth filtration.

首先,他们将三管铬黄曝露在紫外线辐射中,直到其中一管变成巧克力色。First, they exposed three tubes of chrome yellow to UV radiation until one turned a chocolate color.

他鼓励公众曝露内心深处的渴望,并为下一代而参与到对“性”的去神秘化进程中来。He prodded the public to bare its darker desires—and in the process demystified sex for a generation.

安全壳内的空气具有相当的辐射性,工作人员最多只能曝露5个小时,否则就超过安全范围。Its air has been so radioactive, a worker could be exposed only five hours before exceeding a safe limit.

阳光是人体合成维生素D的最好方式,但曝露在阳光下同时也会增加皮肤癌风险。Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, but exposure to sunlight can also raise the risk of skin cancer.

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嗯,这通常是由于生食或未加工熟的食品都曝露在外面造成的,嗯,然后就是因为饮用了不干净的水。And it's typically from exposure to raw or undercooked foods, um, and then any source of contaminated water.

嗯,这通常是由于生食或未加工熟的食品都曝露在外面造成的,嗯,然后就是因为饮用了不干净的水。And it’s typically from exposure to raw or undercooked foods, um, and then any source of contaminated water.

当我们把我们的愤怒曝露在觉照的光明下,我们也会改变,就像花朵向着阳光开放。When we expose our anger to the light of mindfulness, we will change, too, like a flower opening to the sun.

传说中吸血鬼曝露在阳光下皮肤会被灼伤甚至燃烧,这一点似乎与血卟啉症也有联系。Porphyria appears to be the prior missing tie in the myth of vampires blistering and burning in the sunlight.

当尘暴经过时,气旋摧毁了脆弱的团块,曝露出下面的细小沙粒。When the dust devils came through, they destroyed the fragile clusters, revealing the finer sand grains below.

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据悉,朱莉亚起初得了一种代谢紊乱症,导致她的腿部皮肤无法曝露在阳光下。Julia, from California in USA, suffered from metabolic disorder, which caused her leg could not expose in the sun.

来自星团恒星的强烈辐射,浸蚀了云柱顶端的物质,让内部的新生恒星曝露了出来。Energetic radiation from the cluster stars erodes material near the tips, eventually exposing the embedded new stars.

一般而言,热裂化始于沥青混凝土层的曝露面,然后随着时间的推移慢慢穿过整层。It generally starts at the exposed surface of an asphalt concrete layer and progresses down through the layer with time.