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下装不包括在内。Bottoms not included.

最近我开始喜欢高腰围的下装。Lately I've been fond of high waists.

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我们的相机可以在日光下装胶卷。Our camera could be loaded in daylight.

穿的时候卷起袖子和塞进下装是必须的喽。So the roll-up sleeve and tucking in is a must.

使用本网站的潜在提案下装。Use of this Website by potential proposers is strongly encouraged.

下装的长度也有了不同的差别,从及膝到及踝不等。The lengths of the skirts saw different levels, from the knee to the ankle.

这里你也能看到,在车底下装一个类似飞轮的想法。And so you see here the idea of mounting such a flywheel under the car here.

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实际上,哈哈,你猜到了吧,我还照了好多用上图中出现的同款上衣和下装搭配的图片。I actually took a few more pictures with more or less the same tops and bottoms but you get the idea!

平台根据PLC的梯形图,自动生成PLC的指令程序,并下装到PLC执行。The platform produces the program according to the ladder chart, then is transformed to PLC to execute.

请尽可能将套装衣物一起干洗,使其能长期保持上、下装的颜色一致。Have matching items cleaned together so that any colour loss will be uniform and the pieces remain matched.

所以代替抱怨的做法经常是夫妻间阻塞情感交流,并且试图在坏形势下装出满不在意的样子。So instead of complaining, spouses often stuff their feelings and try to put a good face on a bad situation.

他给车上装了橡胶海绵垫子,在后座下装了固定的给养箱,并把车子打扫得非常整洁。He had it fixed up with sponge-rubber cushions, and built-in ration box under the back seat, and kept it neat as a pin.

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此次照亮没被把在那个纪念典礼和纪念事件的情况下装进去的等候室。I spotlight the waiting room which I did not put in the case of the memory ceremony and a commemorative event this time.

采用下装式阀捍,设置倒密封结构,能确保填料处可靠密封。To adopt lower-installed type valve stem and set up reversed sealing structure can ensure reliable sealing at the position of the stuffing.

还可以进行常规算法组态,生成的文件可以下装到集散控制系统的现场控制单元。The conventional control algorithm configuration can he fulfilled and generated executable file can he sent down to the DCS control station.

在有些国家茶壶嘴下装有晃来晃去的小篮子用来截住游离出来的茶叶,觉得这是有害的。In some countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under the spout to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be harmful.

还可以进行常规算法组态,生成的文件可以下装到集散控制系统的现场工作站。The conventional control algorithm configuration can be fulfilled and generated executable file and can be sent down to the DCS control station.

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白衬衫不需要太多,一两件足矣,配合不同的外衣或者下装,便可以穿出奇妙的味道。As long as you can match this white top with different coats or pants in a proper way, the combinations will surprise you with tremendous effects for sure.

着重讨论了油品储罐液位计的设计、选型、安装等方案,并分别讨论了汽车上装及下装的控制模式。Design, selection and installation of tank level gauges are mainly discussed, and the control mode of loading upside and downside is also respectively discussed.

介绍了多工位数控冲床用百页窗模具的设计,重点介绍了下装凸模、上装镶拼凹模及卸料板的设计和计算方法。This article introduces the design of louver tooling for turret punch press, mainly focusing on the design and calculation of die, punch body and stripper plate.