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碰到一个小小的书僮,就畏首畏尾?!Why are you scared by a little servant?

恐惧中长大的孩子,将来容易畏首畏尾。The kids growing up in fears will be flinched in future.

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不要畏首畏尾,惧怕反动分子混进来。We should not be overcautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.

联合国会员再也经不起畏首畏尾。The UN's member-nations can no longer afford to pussyfoot around the issue.

她指责政府畏首畏尾屈从于大企业的利益。She accused the government of a cowardly surrender to big-business interests.

从未有人责备美国有线新闻网的评论员杰克•卡弗蒂是个畏首畏尾的人。No one has ever accused CNN commentator Jack Cafferty of being a shrinking violet.

前英格兰国脚加里-内维尔说英格兰球员太过惧怕媒体言论,畏首畏尾,丧失了很多机会。Former England defender Gary Neville claims fear is crippling the national team's chances.

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不过全队都很不错,安赫尔在最后时刻依然努力时我们或许有点畏首畏尾了。But the whole team did well and we might have sneaked it when Angel had his effort at the end.

一旦做了决定,就不要瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾,放手去干吧!Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!

萨拉班克先生说,“员工不应在试图改善办公环境这个问题上畏首畏尾。”"Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment," Mr Sallabank said.

萨拉班克先生说,“员工不应在试图改善办公环境这个问题上畏首畏尾。”"Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment, " Mr Sallabank said.

莫利纳罗取得了一粒伟大的进球,这周我和他交流过,我说我不想让他这么畏首畏尾。Molinaro scored a great goal. I spoke to him this week and said I didn't want to see him be so timid.

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我们可能忧虑重重烦恼不安,举棋不定畏首畏尾,但最终,其实我们并没有自己以为的那么在意。We can fuss and fret and shuttle and shelter, but in the end, what we do may not matter as much as we think.

他指出,监管改革面临的挑战在于,需要在畏首畏尾和矫枉过正中找到平衡.The official said the challenge in reforming regulation was striking the right balance between timidity and overreaching.

但墨守陈规、维护狭隘的利益、面对艰难的决策畏首畏尾的日子将一去不复返了。But legality, maintenance narrow benefit, to never to return facing the difficult policy-making fraught with uncertainty day.

印度和巴西不再畏首畏尾,承认国有银行应该有助于抵消经济周期的影响。In India and Brazil it is no longer retrograde to argue that state-controlled banks should help counteract the economic cycle.

坚决克服惧怕困难,畏首畏尾思想,锐志进取,勇往直前。Overcomes firmly fears the difficulty, the fraught with uncertainty thought that the resolute is enterprising, marches forward courageously.

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美国大使馆对其他地方个人和政府的评估在主题和作者上都将畏首畏尾--但也并非出乎意料。The US embassy assessments of individuals and governments elsewhere will be cringe-making for subjects and authors – but not totally unexpected.

你将对做大事畏首畏尾,不敢开始新的征途,不敢创造新的事物并把它推向世界,都是因为恐惧和自我怀疑。You'll shy away from doing great things, from going on new adventures, from creating something new and putting it out in the world, because of self-doubt and fear.

尽管美国投资者已不堪忍受眼下低得不足挂齿的利率,但是他们心中依然充满焦虑和恐惧——既不敢一头扎到股票市场中去,又畏首畏尾的不敢继续投资债券。Investors are getting fed up with minuscule interest rates but remain nervous Nellies -- afraid to gallop into the stock market and afraid to hang back with their bonds.