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当其中一个士兵开始骂娘时,她彻底被激怒了,掏出手枪,立马毙了他。Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.

那场面,骂爹的,骂娘的,骂啥都有了。The scene, scolding father, fuck, what are called.

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当其中一个士兵开始骂娘时,她彻底被激怒了,掏出手枪,立马毙了他。Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.She was fuming.

我当时只觉受人欺负了,拍桌而起,正想骂娘。I only sense I have been bullied at that time and pats the table, want to scold the mother.

下次当你边把一家六口塞进SUV里,边止不住抱怨和骂娘的时候,想想下面这个画面吧。Next time when you have to cram 6 people in an SUV and you can't stop bitching and moaning about it, think of this.

假如我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret allies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

如果我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

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不但自己弄得筋疲力尽,观众也因为不满意他们的挂羊头卖狗肉而经常骂娘。Self gets utterly exhausted not only, audience also because of being dissatisfied with them it was only window-dressing but often condemn mother.

菜篮子的打击对孔俊英那样的人们意味着“举筷吃肉,放筷骂娘”。That kind of blow to the breadbasket means people like Kong are "raising their chopsticks to eat, but laying them down to grumble," as the Chinese saying goes.

如果到头来两手空空,忍不住自然发牢骚骂娘,究原因找结果,看看到底是那儿出了问题。If is penniless in the end, cannot bear the nature grumble shouts 'mother-fucker', investigates the reason to look for the result, has a look is there had problems.

不过人类本性如此,你可以确信,讲古英语的那些人也会骂娘,比如说,当他们被锤子敲到手指,或者想讲些粗话的时候。But human nature being what it is you can be sure that people who spoke Old English swore when they hit their thumb with a hammer or when they wanted to say something rude.

我们发现,即使仍旧暴躁、神经质、事业不顺,有时大声讲话、喝酒过量,对着电视新闻骂娘,他还是爱着你。We found men who love us even though we're still cranky and neurotic, haven't got our careers together, and sometimes talk too loudly, drink too much and swear at the television news.

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我们发现,即使仍旧暴躁、神经质、事业不顺,有时大声讲话、喝酒过量,对着电视新闻骂娘,他还是爱着你。We found men who love us even though we’re still cranky and neurotic, haven’t got our careers together, and sometimes talk too loudly, drink too much and swear at the television news.