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他看着云儿飘散。He saw the clouds rolling away.

那飘散在苍空中的名字!The name flies over the welkin!

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天上的云出现后又飘散了。The clouds appeared, and went away.

一团团蓝色的烟雾升起、腾空、飘散。Clouds of blue smoke rise, linger and dissolve.

我宁可呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香。I would rather have had one breath of her hair.

过去,我特别喜爱闻她身上飘散出来的味道。In the past, I had particularly loved her smell.

让它的灰烬飘散在通风口的风中。Let its ashes float away on the wind or up the vent.

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策马而来的正是丽莎,她的长发飘散在空中。Lisa was riding the horse, her long hair free floating in the air.

但洒出的颗粒会随处飘散,让鼻子发痒同时阻塞出气口。Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents.

徒留一缕忧伤,飘散在曾经的眸中。Leave a wisp of sorrow, once released into the atmosphere in the eyes.

你身体的一部分将在空气中飘散,去改变其他人的液体化学性质。Part of you will go airborne, off to change the water chemistry of others.

飘散中逝去曾经懵懂的年华,童真般灿烂的笑容已不在。Drift in the passing away was ignorant of Love, innocence like smile no longer.

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在这些条件下,病毒可以象灰尘一样飘散在空气中。In these conditions, the virus crystallizes, and can float in the air like dust.

酒的方向飘散着李子和桑葚的果香并以细腻的茴香味点缀其间。The bouquet displays lifted plum and mulberry fruit with lovely star anise spice.

我几乎能闻到它飘散过来,流血野兽的气味,受玷污肉体的气味。I can almost smellit wafting out, the scent of a bloodied beast, of defiled flesh.

然而大部分建筑物早已空空如也,只是空中飘散着纸屑,地下逐渐积了厚厚的一层。Yet the buildings were largely empty, their floors deep in drifts of shredded paper.

如果天气太热或者风向不对,一股腐烂的恶臭就会飘散于整个县城。If the day was hot and if the wind blew the wrong way, the stench carried through town.

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在今夜,那有蒹葭轻摇的河水顺流而下,把那断肠的呼唤,飘散在季节之后。Tonight, there is the Rock River downstream, the heartbroken call, blowing in the season.

她在广告及日剧中飘散著清澄气质的身影,带给人深刻的印象。Her innocent image in commercials and Japanese dramas has left a deep impression on people.

她伸手理了理他宽厚但因年老而佝偻的肩膀上那快要飘散下来的围巾。She reached and pulled the scarf that had flown nearly off his broad but stooped shoulders.