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黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物。The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

没有大屠杀或谋杀或灭种。There is no massacre or mass killings or genocides.

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如果人们爱猎杀多少大象就可以猎杀多少,大象就会灭种了。Elephants would die out if men could shoot as many as they wished.

巴拉望是人口最少的人种族群,即将灭种。The smallest of the Palawan ethnoliguistic groups, is becoming extinct.

1840年以来,亡国灭种的危机一直威胁着千年古国。Since 1840 capturing the crisis has been threatened with extinction years old.

历史充满了战争,侵略,有计划的灭种,屠杀和帝国的建立。History is replete with examples of wars, invasions, genocides, and empire building.

有白黑羽毛的黑背信天翁,并未因为这次的灾难而灭种。The white-and-black feathered Laysan albatross is not in danger of becoming extinct.

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一种当地动物—负鼠,已经面临灭种的危险,都是因为猫的攻击。One of the local animals, a possum, is in danger of going extinct because of cat attacks.

盗猎、森林砍伐以及近亲繁殖造成了牠们几近灭种。Poaching, deforestation, and inbreeding have caused the near extinction of these big cats.

中国濒临灭种的种类,金丝猴族群有了惊人的增长。China's golden monkeys, one endangered species, have made a surprising comeback with populations.

尽管塔斯马尼亚凶狠似魔鬼,但牠们打不过一种传染性癌症,这种癌症已令袋獾面临灭种威胁。Fierce as they are, Tasmanian devils cannot beat a contagious cancer that threatens to wipe them out.

其他注定要死的人也在集中营里,但他们的存在并不能预示这是一个有计划的灭种和屠杀运动。Others destined for death were also in the camps, but their presence did not betoken a program of genocide.

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澳大利亚的四个州曾经开展过扑杀内地野生骆驼的行动,但摩尔的计划却是将骆驼彻底灭种。of four states have been carried out before, but Mr Moore's plan would involve wiping out every one of the creatures.

由于农园与森林砍伐正逐步吞佔红毛猩猩的原生地雨林,他们担心红毛猩猩会灭种。They worry the orangutans will become extinct, because the plantations and the logging are chewing up their native jungle habitats.

它是一种通过空气传染的出血性狂热病毒,如果以后有人类再度踏上潘多拉而带回地球的话,将导致人类灭种。A flesheating virus from Hell. If it gets back to Earth as a result of future expeditions here, the whole human race will die screaming.

由于近一个世纪的保护工作,包括长期地监视那些带状鸟类,美洲鹤已从灭种的边缘上退回了一大步。Nearly a century into conservation efforts, including long-term monitoring of banded birds, whoopers have taken a big step back from the edge.

因此这种梦想类型,在第二次世界大战德国设立的集中营里,以及其它计划性的灭种屠杀中,在近代史上再次上演。So this type of dream has played out in recent history and in the concentration camps in Germany during WWII and other genocide tragedies as well.

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虽然人类在二十世纪比以前更了解合作所能带来的利益,但也仅是侥幸的逃过灭种的命运。We narrowly escaped our own extinction in the twentieth century even though we knew then far better than in past centuries we had an interest in cooperating.

当中华民族面临亡国灭种的危机时,提出了“大变、快变、全变”的激进变革观。Confronted with the crucial circumstances of Chinese nation suffering national subjugation and genocide, Tan promoted his radical concept of "large , sharp and thorough reformation".