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我收藏了他所有的影集。I had all his albums.

你最喜欢的电视喜剧影集是什么?。What is your favorite sit-com on TV?

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她把照片分了类,贴在不同的影集里。She sorted the photos and stuck them in separate allums.

海绵宝宝是一部美国动画影集。SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series.

现在,加上「大西洋帝国」的首播,他们已经有三齣相关的影集了。Now, with the premiere of Boardwalk Empire last week, they have 3.

每一次聚会后,孩子们回去时带着的影集里都装满了照片。At every camp the kids go away with albums packed with photographs.

张贴你的影集和照片,仍然会显示你的网页。Your posted slideshows and photos will still display on your webpages.

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拍摄效果正如下方图片所展示的--一组精美的光画影集。The result is what you see below, a great collection of light painting photography.

漫画书、DVD、老的胶片影集、星球大战塑像——收集东西很好玩有趣。Comic books, DVDs, old vinyl albums, Star Wars figurines -- collecting things is fun.

携带作品可以为影集册、书册或数码格式。You can bring your work in the form of a hardcopy portfolio, a book or digital format.

什么影集、家庭聚会和那些与岁月有关的有趣的故事,你都没有。You don't have photo albums, family holidays and funny stories that link up the years.

一本影集引起了蟹子的兴趣,他可能早就把清扫这件事抛到九霄云外了。Cancer becomes preoccupied with a photo collection and maybe forgets the cleaning completely.

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我们需要一本新的茶几图书,而现在出一本美国情况的影集仍是令人感到合适的。We need a new coffee-table book, and a book of photos about the United States still feels right.

随著离婚定案与电视影集结束,女名星在工作上展开新页。With her divorce finalized and a hit TV series behind her, actress begins new chapter in career.

影集里收放女人怀孕的照片,以及家庭生活的写真。Include a picture of a pregnant woman in collections of photographs and pictures depicting families.

这个小小的花卉影集,是在二○○二年春用数字相机在我的后花园所摄。This a small selection of pictures taken with a digital camera in my backyard garden in the 2002 spring.

我们视那六段插曲为一个小迷你影集,而且资讯科技正在去是强烈的而且刺激和高辛烷值的。We see those six episodes as a little miniseries, and it's going to be intense and hyped and high-octane.

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制作一个影集或让他口述他的历史让他记录美好的回忆。You can help him record his memories by creating a photo album or by interviewing him for an oral history.

他在监狱里的时候和模特经纪公司签订了一份合同。米克斯第一份影集的部分照片是在六月发布的。He signed a contract with a modeling agency while he was in jail. Some of his first photos came out in June.

您的影集、盒子、文件夹或书册必须非常坚固,足以承受旅行颠簸,从而保护您的照片。Your portfolio, box, folder or books needs to be sturdy enough to withstand travel and to protect your images.