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事实上,两者是共存的。In fact, both do coexist.

但是我认为两者可以共存。But I think both can coexist.

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工作和自我不可以共存么?Why not be your self and work?

淫欲与平和无法共存。Lust and peace cannot co-exist.

犯罪常与贫困共存。Crime often exists with poverty.

这允许你绕过共存曲线。So that allowed you to go around.

我们并不在共存曲线上。We're not on the coexistence line.

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这是气体--液体共存曲线。And the a gas liquid coexistent line.

我不这样认为,我觉得他们能够共存。I don’t think so. I think they can coexist.

在其他地方,这种清音和浊音仍然共存。In other places, the coexistence continues.

从液体出发,然后是共存曲线。I go from liquid, and then I have coexistence.

这里是固体--液体共存曲线。Then there was a solid liquid coexistence line.

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迁移并与非Linux系统共存Migration and coexistence with non-Linux systems

有不同的方式创造和平共存。We follow the principle of peaceful coexistence.

工匠们的店铺与宫殿比邻共存。Arti sans' stalls and palaces stand side by side.

你所有的数据都可以在相同的数据库中共存。All of your data can coexist in the same database.

共存通过包版本化获得支持。Co-existence is supported with package versioning.

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它的集中主义无法和任何个性共存。Its centralism cannot co-exist with individuality.

可与水上行走共存。Shapeshifting will no longer cancel Water Walking.

历史与现实、古老与年轻、刚劲与柔情共存。A new dam combines history with reality, antiquity.