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宜宾,自古以来就是一个多民族杂居的地区。Yibin, since the ancient times is a multi-ethnic as areas.

而疏于对散居或杂居地区的畲族的研究。But neglected the study of She in regions of scattered or mixed.

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满汉民族驻防杂居,文化习俗相互影响。Man-Han garrison mixed ethnic, cultural practices affect each other.

那是因为木精灵们总是喜欢美好的群居生活,而且不介意和别的种族杂居。That's because wood elves are really the nicest of the bunch and don't mind talking to other folks.

杂居的居住格局,是邻里之间的族际交往成为可能。The mixed pattern of living makes it possible that the neighborhood could contact inter-ethnically.

畲族,作为我国一支典型的散杂居少数民族,主要居住在福建等省份。Shezu, as a typical ethnic group living in dispersed communities, mainly inhabit in Fujian province.

其中有一部分遗留月氏人留居祁连山一带,与羌人杂居,始称小月氏。Some of which remain in the Qilian Mountains along the left Rouzhi, live together with Qiang people called XiaoRouzhi.

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短调民歌主要流行于蒙汉杂居的半农半牧区。往往是即兴歌唱,灵活性很强。It is mainly popular in the half-rural and half-pastoral areas where the Han people and the Mongolian people live together.

依据田野调查第一手材料,对新时期我国彝汉杂居区彝族青少年的语言生活进行深入的分析。Based on the first-hand field materials, this paper analyzes the language life of the Yi teenagers in the Yi-Han mixed area.

实践中,江西省直部门对口支援散杂居民族地区的显著成绩也证实了这种内在逻辑联系。In practice, the internal logic connection is confirmed by the remarkable achievements of counterpart aid in Jiangxi province.

在众多民族杂居共处的西北边疆地区,民族关系对该地区的安全与稳定更是具有重大的影响。It also has a great effect on the security and stability of the Chinese western border areas where many nations live together.

安徽省是少数民族零散杂居省份,有52个少数民族成份。Anhui Province is that an ethnic minority lives together in the province scatteredly , has composition of 52 ethnic minorities.

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目的了解甘肃平凉回汉民族杂居区胆囊结石的发病及临床特征。Objective To investigate the morbidity and clinical characteristics in the residential region of the Hui nationality in PinLiang.

土壤圈的生物也非随意杂居,真菌,细菌,蠕虫,及其他小型生物,都有自己的位置。Life at the ground level is not just a random mix of species, not an interspersion of fungi, bacteria, worms, ants, and all the rest.

由于频繁的人群流动,夏代的东部地区很早就形成夷、夏杂居的局面。Because of constant migrations the Xia nationality and the Yi nationality had mixed together in the eastern area in early Xia Dynasty.

目的了解甘肃平凉回汉民族杂居区胆囊结石的发病及临床特征。Abstact Objective To investigate the morbidity and clinical characteristics in the residential region of the Hui nationality in PinLiang.

另一方面是因为——美国人脸上就不那么有光了——去年狂热的民族清洗之后,教派杂居的地区更少了。Another reason, less flattering to the Americans, is that after last year’s frenzied ethnic cleansing fewer neighbourhoods are still mixed.

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然而当前民族杂居地区村民在村民自治中还存在一些政治心理缺失,如依赖思想较强、缺乏整体观念和危机意识等。However, there are still such weak points in their political psychology as reliance on others, lack of overall vision and the sense of crisis.

上海建城有700多年历史,但最具人文发展历史的时期是开埠后的150年间,诸如华洋杂居、石库门、老字号等等,都发生在开埠后的上海。Despite a history of more than 700 years, the 150 years since it opened to foreign traders has witnessed the greatest humane development in Shanghai.

由于历史上多次的民族迁徙、移民以及朝代更迭等原因,中国各民族的分布形式成了又杂居又聚居、互相交错居住的状况。Owing to the repeated migrations and the changes of dynasties, China's minorities might inhabit together in a region, or each in a compact community.