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暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来。In the dark, speak in the daylight.

你把相片拿到明处来,让大家看个清楚。Bring the photo to the light so we can see it better.

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细观其与日相映,则知其明处乃一面,暗处又一面。One side may be facing the sun and is bright, while the other is dark.

金戈认为过去游击队在暗处,日军在明处,比较好打。Mr Think the guerrillas in the dark, the Japanese, in the light is better.

明处来的枪容易躲开,暗中射来的箭难以提防。比喻种种公开的和隐蔽的攻击。It is easy to parry a spear thrust in the open, but hard to dodge an arrow shot in the dark.

由于这毕竟是戴杯,级别和地位都在明处摆着,结果好坏也时难预料。Because this is Davis Cup, rank and status often goes out the window and the results can be baffling.

这段历史一直呈现在明处,而这一旧时辉煌与当代现实的碰撞甚至也融入了古巴的建筑中。Such history is always surfacing here, a collision of old glory and modern reality that infuses even its architecture.

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也注意到不同折线交叉处的不同颜色——有的是明处有的是暗处。Notice also that the color of each line appears differently based on the angle of the line—sometimes light and sometimes dark.

“写作时,他很清楚这些存在于暗处明处的读者,”他说,“如果我不能刻画他们,我就沉沦了。”When he was at work, he was aware of these readers and correspondents in the woods beyond the lawn. "If I couldn't picture them, I'd be sunk, " he said.

坐在夜色阴影下的一隅,透过光亮望着明处的风景,仿佛看到了曾经一一闪过,一幕幕都是你我他的身影,往事那么醇,回忆那么醉。Sitting in the shadow of a bright light, through looking at the scenery, see have one one flash, a scene you are my past his figure, so alcohol, memories that drunk.

谢尔库赫设法避开了在明处的阿马尔里克的军队并南下埃及,利用尼罗河西岸延缓了阿马尔里克和沙瓦尔联军的进攻。Shirkuh managed to avoid Amalric's army in the open and travel south into Egypt and use the west bank of the Nile to stave off an attack from the combined forces of Amalric and Shawar.