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三年校园的风风雨雨。Three year the disturbances of the campus.

经历了近五千年的风风雨雨,巨石仍然屹立不倒。After nearly 5,ooo years Stonehenge is still standing.

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他们发誓要相偕走过人生的风风雨雨。They swear to go through the ups and downs of life together.

笑的风风雨雨,沙哑,吵架的笑声青年,半裸体。Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth, half-naked.

从襁褓中一路风风雨雨的走到现在,他已经足够的强大。Swaddle, all the ups and downs come from now, he has enough powerful.

人生的风风雨雨真的很不容易还要勇敢的面对。True extremely not easily Huan Yao brave the life disturbances facing.

鉴于美国经济在1930年走过的风风雨雨。Think back to 1930, when the American economy seemed to be weathering the storm.

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尽管风风雨雨,跌宕起伏,但是两国关系还是前进的。Despite the many ups and downs we have experienced, our relationship has moved forward.

文艺美学这一具有原创意义的学科已经经历了20多年的风风雨雨。Aesthetic of literature and art has had its history for 20 years as an original subject.

在那些风风雨雨日子里,雨水会分享我泪水,大风会拾去我痛苦。In the rainy days, rains will share my tears. In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain.

伴随着新中国的成长,中国纺织产业也走过了风风雨雨的60年历程。China's textile industry has witnessed a 60-year ups and downs since the foundation of China.

她看著风风雨雨,霜晨雪夜,灿烂的夕阳,和由缺而圆的满月。She watched winds, and snows, and rains, gorgeous sunsets, and successive moons at their full.

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十年里的风风雨雨,让曾经年少无知的我现在逐渐成熟圆臻。Ten years of wind and storms has rendered an innocent boy walk towards maturity and roundness.

沙伦是我高中时代的女友,风风雨雨九年来,她一直陪在我身旁。Sharon, my high school sweetheart of nine years, had always stood by me, through good and bad times.

假如说佟志与文丽是“吵吵闹闹”五十年,正直与舒曼则是“风风雨雨”一辈子。If say TongZhi and WenLi is "noisy" five years, integrity and schumann is "ups and downs" for a lifetime.

孩子们渐渐长大,现在,回首过去,经历了这些年的风风雨雨,我们有了显著的收获。The kids grew. Today, we look back and see the remarkable values gained by going through those lean years.

总是心神不安的惦记你,你是否知道前方有多少悲喜其实我只是想陪你一起走过风风雨雨。Always uneasy about you, do you know there's much to and I just want to accompany you through groundless talk.

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上帝将你赐给我!现在他的计划我已看明。经历过风风雨雨,我懂得了为什么他的计划坚不可摧。God sent you for me, and now His plan I see. And through it all, I understand why nothing could destroy His plan.

我从来都没有什么二心,因为我们总相处得非常融洽,我们同舟共济走过了许多风风雨雨的日子,我们一起努力过上了美满幸福的生活。I have never had second thoughts, because we have always been good together, through worse and bad and good and great.

深圳市浪骑游艇会有限公司自1998年5月成立至今,已走过了八年的风风雨雨。Since its establishment in May 1998, Shenzhen Longcheer Yacht Club Co. , Ltd. has already traveled through eight years.