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你拉着弹簧的一端So you pull one end.

它的一端是尖的。It is pointed at one end.

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所以,这一端有惰性元素。So, we have an inertness.

你应该远离哪一端?Which end should you avoid?

岛的一端是一个大型鸟园。At one end is a large aviary.

拿起饺子皮的一端。Lift up one side of the skin.

在那腌臜巷子的腌臜一端At the dirty end of Dirty Lane

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一个男人在另一端应答了电话。A man on the other end answers.

另一端做一个脚环。Ok, so the other is a foot loop.

木料的一端将被嵌进墙壁。The timber will be tailed in the wall.

我在隧道另一端看到了一缕光线。I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

绳索的一端垂入水中。The end of the string hung in the water.

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他们已经将木料的一端嵌进墙里。They have tailed the timber in the wall.

冰斧一端平切的部份。The flat cutting end of the ice axe head.

那贝尔曲线另一端的情况如何?What about the far end of the bell curve?

比特从一端进去,从另一端出来。Bits go in one end and come out the other.

然后从另一端将刀片滑出。Then slide the blade out the opposite end.

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房子的一端与湖毗连。The one end of the house butts on the lake.

你住在跟我相反的另一端,你住的地方可近多了。But you live opposite of me and it's closer.

在城里的另一端是垃圾场狂欢夜。It's garbage night on the other side of town.