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新华社宣布将地震震级从7.8级调整到8级。Xinhua announced that it increased the magnitude of the quake from 7.8 to 8.0.

这些地震震级较小,但就死亡人数而言,影响差不多。Those earthquakes were of a smaller magnitude but had a similar impact in terms of deaths.

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这场地震震级为里氏7.6级,7万9千人殒命,上百万人无家可归。Measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale, the quake killed 79,000 and left millions more homeless.

地震震级不仅仅按照摇动的力度来衡量的,而且是按照所影响的地区来衡量的。Richter, or magnitude, is calculated not only by the strength of the jolt but by the area affected.

在核对了数据后,地震学家们把星期天摇晃了25秒钟的地震震级从6.9级上升到了7.2级。After examining data seismologists upgraded the size of Sunday's 25-second quake from a magnitude 6.9 to 7.2.

也就是在星期天,中国地震局官方将此次地震震级从7.9级调高至8.0级。Also on Sunday, officials from the China Seismological Bureau revised the earthquake's magnitude to 8.0 from 7.9.

其中,四川汶川地震震级达8.0级,造成直接经济损失8451亿元。Of this total, Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake recorded 8.0-magnitude, causing a direct economic loss of 845.1 billion yuan.

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对2004年12月地震震级强度的最初预测把以印度尼西亚苏门答腊为中心的地震估算为8.0级。The first predictions of the 2004 quake’s magnitude estimated the Sumatra, Indonesia-centered temblor had a magnitude of 8.0.

另外,经过对地震参数的详细测定后,中国地震局已将该次地震震级从7.8级修订为8.0级。Meanwhile, the China Seismological Bureau Sunday revised the magnitude of the earthquake from 7.8 to 8.0 on the Richter scale.

美国地质调查称这次地震震级为8.9,震中位于离日本东海岸130公里处。The US geological survey said the quake had a magnitude of 8.9, with an epicentre about 130 kilometres off Japan's east coast.

据新华社报道,此次地震震级6.0级,震中位于云南中部的姚安县,还造成三万多间房屋受损。The magnitude-6.0 temblor, centered in Yunnan province's Yao'an county, damaged another 30, 000 homes, the Xinhua News Agency said.

普赖斯格雷夫称,这次地震有可能造成重大的破坏,因为这次地震震级高,临近人口密集的中心且震核浅。Presgrave said the quake's damage potential was great because of its strength, nearness to population centers and shallow epicenter.

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地震震级为7.7,专家们称其为一次主震,这是科学家们所使用最高的震级。The quake had a magnitude of 7.7, that's what experts call a major earthquake, one of the highest magnitude classes that scientists use.

据美国地质勘探局测定,地震震级为7.8级,印度首都新德里的高楼有晃动。The quake, which the US Geological Survey rates as a magnitude 7.8, was strong enough to shake buildings as far away as New Delhi, India.

当年地震震级为7.9级,造成东京地区逾14万人死亡。It surpasses the Great Kanto quake of September 1, 1923, which had a magnitude of 7.9 and killed more than 140,000 people in the Tokyo area.

统计得出了各台所对应的地震震级与自相关系数异常面积和震中距的经验公式。Empirical formulas between magnitude, anomalous area of the autocorrelation coefficients and epicentral distance for every station are statistically obtained.

引发这次海啸的地震震级达到了里氏8.9级,是日本有史以来最强的。The tsunami was triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake, the strongest ever recorded in Japan, which caused considerable damage to the country's eastern coastline.

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美国地质调查局称该地震震中位于爪哇南部318公里,刚好是24公里的海底下,这次地震震级为里氏6.7级。The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter was 318 kilometers off southern Java, just 24 kilometers beneath the ocean floor which they say struck at a magnitude 6.7.

美国地质调查局称该地震震中位于爪哇南部318公里,刚好是24公里的海底下,这次地震震级为里氏6.7级。The U. S. Geological Survey said the epicenter was 318 kilometers off southern Java, just 24 kilometers beneath the ocean floor which they say struck at a magnitude 6.7.

用经验公式法估算的最大构造地震震级,水田坝断裂为5.5级、龙王冲断裂为6.0级、新华断裂为6.5级。The maximum magnitudes of tectonic earthquake at Shuitianba fault, Longwangchong fault and Xinhua fault, estimated by empirical formula, are 5. 5, 6. 0 and 6. 5, respectively.