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是事不关己,高高挂起吗?Is it yourself, high and hang up?

但是他并不认为这是个事不关己的运动。But he denied the campaign was a case of not-in-my-castle's-back yard.

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难道你不知道今天是节日吗?不要一副事不关己,高高挂起的样子!Don't you know that today's a holiday or have you got blinders on to the world.

是的,奥巴马可以说——就像事不关己一样——但是空谈不能赢得竞选。Yes, Obama could talk — like nobody's business — but talk didn't win the election.

在我们身后,鳄鱼懒洋洋地浮在水面上,面目可憎,水牛在河边戏水,一副事不关己的模样。Crocodiles float lazily, menacingly, behind us and water-buffalo paddle unconcerned on the banks.

裴尚轩始终一副事不关己高高在上的模样,依然一如既往与好友踢球。PeiShangXuan is always a thing have nothing on appearance, still, as always, with friends to play.

中国可能是世界上增长最快的经济体,但是它的领导人对此多少显得有些事不关己。China may have the world’s fastest-growing economy, but its leaders have been more or less irrelevant.

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那些曾经嚷著事不关己的村民都显得活跃起来,经常关注村子的发展。Those who had been indifferent to village affairs were now concerned about the development of the village.

但是中国指责美国对于贸易失衡的事不关己并表示本身不能应付过快升值。But China blames American irresponsibility for the trade imbalance and says it cannot cope with rapid appreciation.

这两位在一堆冒烟的石头上安顿得舒舒服服的,事不关己地看着战斗继续。The pair made themselves as comfortable as possible on a broken pile of smoldering rocks and watched the battle unfold.

大部分都是些无聊的争吵。明明事不关己,即使开几个玩笑也是无伤大雅,却非要跟人争得面红耳赤。For those boring arguments, even if it's out of your business, or some small jokes do harmless, your face is still flamed with anger.

海特勒博士说,“这是一种事不关己的陈述,还会使人听起来觉得说话的人在批评什么。”Heitler says. "It's really a statement about the other person and usually sounds as though the speaker is about to deliver a criticism."

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而当蒙在鼓里的民众欢呼着为破产买单时,不正是这些事不关己的立法者鼓吹着所谓“个人责任”吗?Or were all those insufferable lectures about "personal responsibility" when the bankruptcy bill was going through just so much claptrap?

当然,自寻烦恼的人在杂乱状态的掩盖之下也能表现的十分平静,当我们急的像热锅上的蚂蚁一半,他们却表现的事不关己,极为冷静的样子。Of course, worrywarts can be quite adept at concealing the messiness, and showing a cool-as-a-cucumber exterior, while we’re screaming inside.

你看起来就是一副冷酷又事不关己的样子,不年夜愿意去管他人的事,他人的苦衷也懒得去猜想。You look cold and it is a matter does not concern the way, is not willing to manage other people's things, other people's minds do not bother to guess.

举另一个例子,对陌生人的辱骂和挑衅——公路上的粗鲁行为,网络上的不堪入流的言论的一幅事不关己的态度将是明智的选择。As another example, it would be smart to treat the insults and provocations of strangers—rude behavior on the highway, nasty remarks on the internet—as irrelevant.

当对方双手交叉放在胸前,并做出一副事不关己的表情时,一个简单而有效的用来打破这种境况的方法就是给对方一支笔、一本书或者什么可以让他打开双臂并向前倾的东西。A simple but effective method of breaking the folded-arms position is to hand the person a pen, a book or something that forces him to unfold his arms to reach forward.

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但是如果我事不关己的谈论对我们城市可能造成的粉碎性攻击时,尽管它关乎数百万计的亡魂,我无法将我面对一个人痛苦的感情复制数百万倍。Then I talk impersonally about the possible pulverization of our big cities, with a hundred million dead. I am unable to multiply one man’s suffering by a hundred million.

每个人都是社会的一份子,不要以为艾滋病离自己很远,可以“事不关己高高挂起”,献出一份关爱是每个人的责任。Everyone is part of the community, do not think that AIDS is very far away from their own, can "have nothing to do with hanging" and sacrificed to a love is everyone's responsibility.