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一个年老体弱的人,除了屈服,还能怎样?What could a weak old man dobut yield?

年老体弱的人容易患流感。The old and weak people easily catch the flu.

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而一个年老体弱的父辈的存在给婚姻投下了长长的阴影。An aged and infirm parent casts a long shadow.

年老体弱者宜着长袖衬衫和单裤。Infirmity suitable long sleeve shirt and pants.

在年老体弱的岁月里,他专注于写回忆录。He enjoyed writing his memoirs in his declining years.

我看到他的时候,他年轻强壮,现在他已年老体弱。I saw him young and strong, and now he is old and worn.

当上下楼梯时,帮助年老体弱者。Help the old and the weak when go upstairs or downstairs.

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由于年老体弱,他不像原来工作得那样快了。He doesn't work as quickly as he used to because of his old age.

开塞露用于小儿及年老体弱者便秘的治疗。Enema for constipation in children and the treatment of the elderly and infirm.

结果鲍曼不动杆菌肺炎多发生在年老体弱、伴随基础疾病住院的老年患者。Results Pneumonia caused by Acinetobacter baumannii occurred in the older and weak patients.

在左边那些可怜地挤作一团的人都是年老体弱,疾病缠身和年纪幼小的人。Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill, the young.

莫扎特死后很多年,年老体弱的萨列里在1823年自称毒杀了莫扎特。Long after Mozart died, an elderly and senile Salieri in 1823 "accused himself of poisoning Mozart."

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萨科齐涉嫌接受了年老体弱的莉莉亚娜·贝当古装有现金的信封。Sarkozy is suspected of accepting cash stuffed envelope from the frail and aging Liliane Bettencourt.

年老体弱如没有陪护人员,起床或上卫间时请呼叫护士帮助。For the aged and the weak without any companions, please call the nurses when getting up or going to the bathroom.

对年老体弱、心肺功能不全或因梗阻引起尿毒症的患者更为安全。It is safer for patients of the aged, debility with cardiopulmonary dysfunction or uremia due to partial obstruction.

如卡通画的生动描绘,四个孩子在进行一场“足球比赛”,所谓的“足球”是他们年老体弱的父亲。As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a "football match" and the "ball" is their old and infirm father.

尤其是年老体弱,胃肠功能减退者,每日以4~5餐为佳,每次以六七成饱为好。Especially the frail elderly, gastrointestinal dysfunction, with 4 to 5 meals a day is better, each with Liu Qicheng full as well.

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“这些少年犯需要他人的照顾,但是我们要他们知道,那些年老体弱的病人们比他们更需要照顾,”张法官补充道。"These young offenders need people's care, but we want them to know that those elder patients are more vulnerable than them," Zhang added.

梅塞纳斯年老体弱,但在公元前17年还保持一种乐观态度,并嘲笑阿格里帕没有帝王血统。Maecenas had become a sick man, aging rapidly, though in 17 he was still sufficiently buoyant to mock Agrippa because the latter lacked a pedigree.

年老体弱者及孕妇治疗腰椎间盘突出症时应慎用水针疗法。The Ying Shen when aged body weak and protrusion of the intervertebral disc of waist of pregnant woman cure uses acupuncture therapy with medicinal injection.