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这事发生在一个寒冬腊月。It happened in a cold December.

他闲度寒冬腊月。He loafed through the winter months.

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她在寒冬腊月奔放,又在阳春三月凋落。She was in severe winter and spring in March.

寒冬腊月,外边冷风袭人。In the severe winter, the cold wind outside pricks people.

年轻人即使在寒冬腊月也偏爱冰镇麦茶。Young people, even in deepest winter wheat also prefer iced tea.

你说,待到寒冬腊月时,就陪我去看那场飞天雪地吧。You say, when the severe winter, will accompany me to see the flying snow.

上苍赋予我们记忆,将往事留住,以备寒冬腊月之时,仍有温馨玫瑰可赏。"God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December. " ------ J. M. Barrie.

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在生活中的寒冬腊月,我最终发现了自己身上不可战胜的盛夏激情。In the depth of winter I finally learned there was, in me, invincible summer. Albert Camus.

寒冬腊月离不开感冒、流感的,这是亘古不变的事实。It's a harsh reality that these chilly months are strongly associated with the cold and flu.

寒冬腊月的时候,猫咪待在室外很有可能会被冻死,或者走丢,再也找不回来了。But a cat left outside in cold weather can literally freeze to death, or become permanently lost.

一旦体验过南加州的生活,再重返寒冬腊月里的英国就有点自讨苦吃。Once you have tasted life in southern California, it takes a peculiar kind of masochism to return to a British winter.

我们应该学会接受生活所赋予我们的,无论是春光明媚还是寒冬腊月,我们要努力快乐地生活。I think we should learn to accept what life gives us, no matter whether it's spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.

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她开始勇敢地面对着生活,就像美丽花儿一样,无论寒冬腊月,它都不会错过春天的绽放。She began bravely faced life, just like a beautiful flower, regardless of whether the severe winter, it would have missed the spring bloom.

在美国诞生这一年,在寒冬腊月,在结冰的河岸,一群爱国之士精疲力尽地围坐在燃烧殆尽的篝火旁。In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river.

我们应该学会接受生活所赋予我们的,不管是春光明媚还是寒冬腊月,我们要努力快乐的生活。I think we should learn to accept what life gives us. No matter whether it is the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.

虽然已是寒冬腊月,但她却穿着鲜艳明亮的夹克,四周有嫩绿的植物环绕,令她看起来依然如夏日般阳光明媚。The sun shone on her lovely face and hair. Although it was December, she looked almost summery, sitting there in her bright red jacket with the fresh green plants around her.

他曾和他母亲两人在寒冬腊月花了三个月步行跋山涉水苦苦寻找父亲,他父亲那时被流放了。He spoke with me of three difficult, arduous months where he and his mother walked mile after mile after mile in search of his father who was, during that cold winter, in exile.