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为什么他们听不到市场这只定时炸弹的滴答声呢?Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking?

前美海军官员伯纳德说,领海问题仍是一个定时炸弹。The territorial issue remains the time bomb, Mr. Cole said.

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“就像有颗定时炸弹,”帕斯特女士说。“It seems like there’s a ticking time bomb, ” Ms. Paster said.

基本上,这种蚂蚁的基因里埋葬着一颗定时炸弹。Basically, buried in the DNA of this ant is a little time bomb.

坠楼的莉迪亚昏迷不醒,她被格雷森夫妇视为一颗定时炸弹。Fall of Lydia in a coma, she was Grayson couples as a time bomb.

万能的解决方案是门户项目的定时炸弹!One-size-fits-all solutions are a ticking bomb for a portal project!

这是一个在卡莫夫创造的国家系统下面滴答作响的定时炸弹。This is a time bomb ticking underneath the state system created by Mr Karimov.

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如果此前你没有关注过这颗政治定时炸弹,现在是该好好地留意一下了。If you are not paying attention to this political time-bomb, perhaps you should.

当地居民也知道,这就是一个正在滴滴响的定时炸弹,但他们却无能为力。It’s a ticking time-bomb, and the residents know it, but can do nothing about it.

而另一些分析人士称,非正规金融是颗“定时炸弹”,威力大到足以自我毁灭。Others contend that it is a "time-bomb", big enough on its own to blow things up.

这无异于给后来人留下一颗定时炸弹,而布朗并不擅于拆弹。This is a time-bomb of a legacy, and one that Mr Brown is ill equipped to defuse.

在恒量演化论者的理论仓库中埋藏着一枚正在滴答作响的定时炸弹。There is a potential time bomb ticking away on the shelves of the stellar evolutionists.

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铲除了一颗定时炸弹,避免了灾难性事故的发生。By eliminating this ticking time-bomb, the possibility of serious accidents had been ruled out.

如今,若火箭能在炸弹炸烂他们脸之前解除这颗洛杉矶定时炸弹该有多好啊!Now if only the Rockets can disarm the Los Angeles time-bomb before it explodes in their faces.

每个电脑从业人员都听说过在程序中设置“定时炸弹”的事例。Everyone in the computer business has heard of cases of a "time-bomb" being placed in a program.

有时候愤怒是一种潜在的敌对情绪,像定时炸弹一样,一触即发。Rather, it's the seething, angry types with underlying hostility who are the ticking time bombs.

中国人口定时炸弹的形成曾归咎于独生子女政策,但原因并不止这一个。China's demographic time bomb has been attributed to the one-child rule. But it's more than that.

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人口问题是日本的一颗“定时炸弹”,人口的迅速老龄化会使其人口很快开始减少。The country faces a demographic time bomb, with a fast-greying population set to start shrinking soon.

定时炸弹现在会在爆炸前造成3,2,1点额外伤害,这将触发呼救效果。Timebomb Now ticks 3, 2, 1 additional damage before the bomb explodes. This will trigger calls for help.

这两个部门对于热衷于石油来说是两枚定时炸弹同时使美国老龄化,而且现在都是一团糟。Both sectors are ticking time bombs for the oil-addicted and aging America, and both are currently a mess.