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有着一把公家的钥匙!A government key!

我在公家机关上班。I work at a govenment office.

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这些是我公家运用的东西。These are for my personal use.

叶公家里到处都是龙。In his mansion, dragons could be seen everywhere.

他不该该在公家场合喝那末多酒。He should never drink that much alcohol in public.

公家的鞋都是鳄鱼皮做的。All the government shoes are made of alligator hide.

赵主任果然是拿了公家的钱不心疼。Zhaozhuren really is not taken public money and heartache.

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在酒中掺杂酒精惹起了公家的留意。The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

政府希望在下个财税年度减少公家开支。The government hopes to curtail public spending in the next tax year.

这篇发布在公家好处报纸心理学栏目。This paper, published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest.

你真是狗胆包天,公家的钱也敢挪用?You are monstrously audacious, how dare you misappropriate public funds?

而公家对此的回响反映总是显显现几分惘然之情,就近似她们得宠了一样。But public response invariably implies pity, as if it's a fall from grace.

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按照新规定,三分之一的公家车封存。Under the new regulations, a third of government cars have been mothballed.

咳嗽或打喷嚏时,请遮住嘴。不要在公家场所挖鼻孔。Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don't pick your nose in public.

斑点状霜冻的苔原水池点缀了加拿大北育空公家公园的风景。Frost-flecked tundra pools dot the landscape of Canada's North Yukon National Park.

雷诺已经授权联邦官员在黎明前强行进入埃连舅公家。Reno had authorized a pre-dawn raid on the great-uncles house by federal officials.

民间的应援迫不急待﹐应为公家因应迟缓﹐似乎万分无能。The private response was all the more urgent because the public one seemed so inept.

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巴西人通常把能吃上一碗公家饭称为搭上了“幸福列车”。Brazilians often refer to getting a government job as catching the "train of happiness."

有些公园可能是公家免费的,有些则可能是私人的,需要买门票进入。Some parklands may be publicly-owned and free, others might be private and charge admission.

如果你的抱怨不能解决时,公家机关或交易组织可提供协助。Government agencies or trade organizations may offer support if your complaint is unresolved.