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但是这种导弹从来没有经过试射。But, it has never been tested," Elleman said.

5月26日,北韩又试射了2枚导弹。On May 26, North Korea test-fired two more missiles.

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他们将于下周试射反导弹导弹。They will test-fire an anti-missile missile next week.

2006年,北韩在那一天试射了一颗长程导弹。The north tested a long-range missile on that day in 2006.

首尔延世大学的奉英植认为,中国将暗自欢迎朝鲜最新的导弹试射。For Mr Bong, the latest test will be quietly welcomed by China.

这是印度第二次试射烈火三型远程导弹。It is the second time India has test-fired the Agni-three missile.

你的表尺调在12哩处且你已经确实试射过了。Your sight adjustment goes to 12 miles and you've actually tried it.

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2004年11月29日,俄罗斯试射了橡胶鞋导弹防御系统。On November 29, 2004, Russia test-fired the Galosh anti-missile system.

日本说朝试射导弹违反了联合国1718号决议,中国政府对此有何评论?Japan said the action violated UN Resolution 1718. What is your comment?

“大地”导弹由印度制造,已经有过多年试射。The Prithvi is domestically built and has been tested for several years.

这次试射于2010年12月3日进行,地点是奥里萨邦的临时测试靶场。This was test-fired on 3 December 2010 at the Interim Test Range in Orissa.

此前,“布拉瓦”导弹在14次试射中有7次未能成功。" Prior to that, "Bulava" missile test-firing of the 14 there were 7 failed.

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朝鲜已威胁要试射一枚洲际弹道导弹。North Korea has threatened to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile.

伊朗也成功的在训练当中试射了中程和远程导弹。Iran also successfully test fired new long-and medium-range missiles in the drills.

但迄今为止,所有的测试走向正在顺利有序地朝着下周的成功试射挺进,香农说。But all tests to date point toward a successful launch test next week, Shannon said.

以色列之前进行了新型远程导弹的试射。Israel has fired test a new long-range missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

这是伊郎在演习中连续第二天试射导弹。This was the second day in a row that Iran tested missiles during military maneuvers.

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几年前他们试射大浦洞导弹之前就是这么说的。Well, this is exactly what they did before they tested the Taepodong a few years ago.

由15名成员组成的理事会一致谴责最新试射,吉川说。The 15-member council was unanimous in condemning the latest launches, Yoshikawa said.

一份军方的声明说,军方星期四成功地试射了哈塔夫-7型巡航导弹。A military statement said the test of the Haft VII missile was carried out on Thursday.