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他给我们订购了一台电视机。He ordered us a TV-set.

订购宫保鸡丁。Order of Kung Pao Chicken.

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订购信息续在数据表的末尾。DG407 at end of data sheet.

查不到,它必须要特别订购。No, it has to special ordered.

如何订购脱销书?How to order out-of-stock books?

这个游戏可以预先订购这里。The game can be pre-ordered here.

这些是-你可以订购。These are -- you can order these.

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订购B组份原料的包装桶。Booking barrel for packaging Comp.

在星期四之前,我要一个订购单的号码。I need a P. O. number by Thursday.

订购硬拷贝手册的链接。Links for ordering hardcopy manuals

此订购应该不能完成。This order should not be completed.

该书可以预先在亚马逊订购。The book can be pre-ordered on Amazon.

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他们向那家店订购了二十五副眼镜。They an order 25 of glasses that shop.

赶快点击订购或者上网购买吧!Click here to subscribe or buy on-line.

露西将订购任何你需要的文具。Lucy will order any stationery you need.

大批订购贵方会提供折扣吗?Do you give a discount for a largo order?

我想订购三箱嘉仕伯啤酒。I'd like order 3 cases of Carlsberg Beer.

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先生,你都要我订购些什么备用品?。What stores do you want me to order, Sir?

是否想要订购额外银行卡?Do you wish to order additional bankcards?

SAF已订购了18架NH-90直升机。The SAF has 18 NH-90 helicopters on order.