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所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。All employees can get year-end bonus.

他在职总统期间可谓波澜起伏。His term as president was tumultuous.

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请告诉我在职训练的一些事情吧。So tell me about on the job training.

所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。All the staff will get the annual bonus.

我们没有任何职前或在职训练。We didn't have any pre-job or on-the-job training.

伊利也注重对在职干部的培养。In addition, it also emphasizes training of managers.

在职军官主要住用公寓房。Active-service officers live mainly in government houses.

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这位资历浅的销售经理正在参加一个在职学习日的课程。The junior sale manager is attending a day release course.

评委会成员是电影业中受尊敬的在职艺术家。Jurors are respected, working artists in the film industry.

顺便问一下,现在贵厂有多少在职职工?By the way, how many people are working in your factory now?

她因对预算的管理无方而被夸奖。事实上在职研究生学历证书。She was praised for her economical management of the budget.

所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。Staffs can all get the rewarding money in the end of the year.

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我们的客户基础大多是中年的在职男士。Our customer base is made up of mostly middle-aged working men.

在职场里,经验和资历有优势吗?Does experience and seniority have advantages in the work place?

你愿意接受有关你所从事领域的在职进修吗?。Would you be willing to take continuing education in your field?

负责本部门在职员工的培训和考核。Charge of the departments in-service staff training and assessment.

哦,我知道了,顺便问一下,现在贵厂有多少在职职工?。I see, By the way, how many people are working in your factory now?

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这家公司对员工在职训练的重视,令我印象深刻。I was impressed with the company's emphasis on in-service training.

生活方式病影响在职干部健康。The life-style might exert an influence on the health of the cadres.

建设为超过100名居民提供了在职技能培训。Construction included on-the-job skills training for over 100 residents.