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食物的反击!Food fights back.

我们可以反击。We can fight back.

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但我们也有反击的手段。But we have ways to push back.

现在他能最后一次上演绝地反击吗?Can he play Lazarus one last time?

曼联的威胁来自于反击。United's threat was counter-attack.

他也可以发起反击。He can also start the counter-attacks.

对他粗鲁的话语,她不屑反击。She disdains answering his rude remarks.

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处女座受到攻击时,喜欢反击。Virgo likes to attack back when confronted.

古迪布朗是唯一的女性进行反击。Goody Brown is the only woman to fight back.

我们知道他们在防守反击中就能得分。We know they can score from counter-attacks.

反击几乎立刻就开始了。The counterattack started almost immediately.

缺武器,缺人手,但反击。Outgunned, outnumbered, but now fighting back.

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他擅长于截击球来反击他的对手。He's good at volleying it back to his opponent.

同时,傅先生对批评进行了反击。Meanwhile, Mr Fu has hit back at the criticism.

文化部很快作出反击。The Ministry of Culture was quick to fire back.

这就是他们对行会战争和星战的反击?This is their answer to SWTOR and Guild Wars 2?

维克多开枪反击,射伤了杰克的肋下。Victor shoots back and wounds Jack in the side.

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早在1977年,福布斯杂志就报道过,“底特律的汽车巨头反击了”。“Detroit Fights Back, ” Forbes reported in 1977.

你应当对这种恶意诽谤进行反击。You ought to kick back at such malicious slander.

他们防守很好而且擅长快速反击。They defend well and pull off fast counterattacks.