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那场比赛的输赢事先已讲定。That game is fixed.

而我,就在不远处,默默的看着,一场没有输赢的博弈。And I, not far away, quietly watching, a no-win game.

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他和他的朋友喜欢来小笔输赢的牌戏。He and his friends enjoy playing cards for low stakes.

你们今天所做到的远比输赢更重要。What you achieved goes way beyond the win-loss column.

我是一个宿命论者,我相信足球输赢的言论。I am a fatalist and I believe in football you win and you lose.

在游戏里,所有的动作都单纯地只是为了玩而玩,而非最后的输赢。In a game, the act of playing is the real motivation, not the win.

昨天的失误无法弥补,但明天的输赢可以去拼。Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

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能够了解选取框式球员,输赢记录和团队对抗。Be able to recognize marquee players, win-loss records, and team rivalries.

我们来考虑一个复杂类型,用于建模一个运动团队的输赢记录。Consider a complex type which models the win-loss record for a sports team.

在一场激烈的国际象棋比赛后,一般来说,无论输赢,都很享受的。After a heated chess match, you are generally no better off now that you’ve won.

查理和我玩了两个多小时的扑克牌,双方依然不见输赢。After playing poker for more than two hours, Charlie and I were still even-Steven.

每一个变体各有不同的输赢或平局的奖励结构。Each variety had a different structure of rewards for winning, losing, or drawing.

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以品牌谋略论英雄,以市场侵占为输赢,成者为王败者为寇!Hero brand strategy, market occupation is winning or losing, with success like daughter!

无论胖瘦输赢,冠军杯还是乐透季。Through thick or thin. Through wins and loses. Through championships and lottery seasons.

文明观赛事,理智对输赢,语言文明,着装得体,热情大度。不乱抛物,爱护公物。Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be.

在这个世界上,没有人是自由的,当这种暴行所撰理念输赢。No one is free in this world when such atrocities are relegated to the idea of win or lose.

就像张殿菲所说的,走到今天这一步,已经无所谓输赢了,大家都是冠军了。Oncology like the Philippines said, come today, it has no such winner, we are all champion.

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每个人都渴望胜利,但我们不应该过多地关注输赢之间的区别。Everybody loves to win but we shall not linger on the difference between winning and losing.

不论成败输赢,森林狼球员知道他们都将会从与湖人的对战中学到一些东西。Win or lose, Timberwolves players knew they were going to get an education by playing the Lakers.

作为对大赌客的奖励之一,无论输赢,赌场都会返还一定的赌金。As one of various incentives to high-rollers, casinos offer a rebate to them whether they win or lose.