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血吸虫病在M州流行。Schistosomiasis was popular in M state.

这个小组致力于研究扁形虫,扁形虫可导致住血吸虫病。This is the group of flatworms that cause schistosomiasis.

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血吸虫病是寄生虫引起的一种慢性病。Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by parasitic worms.

毗吐酮治疗血吸虫病和肺吸虫病。Adjoins spits the alkone to treat snail fever and paragonimiasis.

钉螺扩散是血吸虫病传播的最主要途径。Oncomelania diffusion is the major way of spreading schistosomiasis.

血吸虫病造成相当严重的经济和健康影响。The economic and health effects of schistosomiasis are considerable.

到目前为止,吡喹酮是治疗血吸虫病的主要药物。Until now, the main drug used to treat bilharzia has been praziquantel.

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在热带地区,血吸虫病折磨着千百万人。Schistosomiasis afflicts hundreds of millions of people in tropical areas.

目的探讨脑型血吸虫病发病的危险因素。Objective To explore the risk factors of cerebral schistosomiasis japonica.

目的建立一种快速、简便的血吸虫病免疫诊断方法。Objective To establish a simple and fast diagnostic assay for schistosomiasis.

科学家们认为,他们离治疗血吸虫病的新药物更近了一步。Scientists think they are a step closer to a new drug to treat schistosomiasis.

卫生部血吸虫病专家咨询委员会。Expert Consultant Committee on Schistosomiasis, Ministry of Health, P. R. China.

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吡喹酮的可得性是影响血吸虫病控制工作的一项重大限制因素。However, a major limitation to schistosomiasis control is access to praziquantel.

吡喹酮是唯一可用于治疗各种类型血吸虫病的药物。Praziquantel is the only available treatment against all forms of schistosomiasis.

东方田鼠的这种特性,为抗日本血吸虫病的研究提供新了新的思路。This resistance shows a new direction on research of aganist Schistosoma japonicum.

目的对汉阳区达国家血吸虫病传播阻断标准进行考核验收。Objective To evaluate the schistosomiasis transmission blocking in Hanyang district.

营造抑螺防病林现已成为预防血吸虫病的重要方法之一。It is an important way to build artificial plant community to control schistosomiasis.

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他说,淋巴丝虫病和血吸虫病的研究模型也面临同样的情况。The same applies to study models of lymphatic filariasis and schistosomiasis, he adds.

目的建立快速简便实用的血吸虫病诊断方法。Objective To establish a simple method for rapid diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica.

目的观察新洲居民迁移对血吸虫病流行的影响。Objective To survey the epidemic change of schistosomiasis by emigration from xinjizhou.