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我来日诰日感到很烦闷。I feel really down.

人们会经常感到无聊烦闷。People are often bored.

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我从来不曾这样烦闷过!I was never more annoyed!

我为我自己犯下的错感到很烦闷。I'm very annoyed at my own mistake.

我没有钢琴会感到烦闷。I don't have a piano anymore, annoyingly.

群众对布道感到烦闷无趣。The congregation was bored by the sermon.

孩子们感到烦闷无聊,想去外面玩。The bored children wanted to play outside.

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十六个小时的行程使我烦闷到想大叫。Sixteen hours and I wanted to cry with boredom.

烦闷你通知他陈刚来过电话。Pleottom inform him that Chen Gang was cingling.

当你烦闷乐的时候,我就是你的开心果。When youarennot hsoftwarey, I am your pistachios.

格雷厄姆参军以逃脱烦闷的工作。Graham joined the army to get away from a boring job.

这是个呆滞、烦闷、酷热的小城,连坐的地方都没有。It’s a dead, hollow, hot town, with no place to sit down.

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在奥斯特里茨心情烦闷的那个人,在滑铁卢却是愉快的。The man who had been gloomy at Austerlitz was gay at Waterloo.

大多数流浪汉得在这间烦闷的房子里连续呆上十个小时。Most of the tramps spent ten consecutive hours in this dreary room.

他身强体健,充满活力,觉得失业的无聊与烦闷令他无法忍受。A strapping, energetic man, he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.

烦闷的氛围让敏感的沈蔷觉得氛围太复杂。Annoyed atmosphere let sensitive shen Qiang feel atmosphere too complicated.

热毒内陷脏腑时伴恶寒发热,口干渴,烦闷。Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

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当开始我还为此激动,但后来就感觉烦闷。When starts me also for this reason excitedly, but afterward felt worriedly.

大利拉天天用话催逼他,甚至他心里烦闷要死。With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death.

但现在,这种原本时髦的大众装扮开始让人厌弃和烦闷。Now, however, the hipster uniform is beginning to both bore and annoy people.