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这些趋势的持续存在引人瞩目。The persistence of these trends is striking.

小提琴手在这场演出中引人瞩目。The violin player walked away with the show.

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麋鹿之心的毕业生所取得的成功引人瞩目。The success of Mooseheart alumni was remarkable.

最近这些案件中,加西亚诉斯潘牛排店最引人瞩目。The most notable f those latter cases is Garcia v.

最近发生的一些引人瞩目的崩溃应当敲起警钟。Some notable recent collapses offer cautionary tales.

但它最引人瞩目的就是豪华车展示厅。But its most striking feature is a clutch of car showrooms.

其中美国的LIGO项目进展引人瞩目。The progress of LIGO project in United States is going well.

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最近这些案件中,加西亚诉斯潘牛排店最引人瞩目。The most notable f those latter cases is Garcia v. Spun Steak.

这个甲虫是不引人瞩目的,柔和的,非常强烈并安全的灯。The Beetle is a low profile, flexible, ultra-bright safety light.

这一理论的完美框架和强大的现实解释力引人瞩目。This theory has a perfect framework and strong explanatory power.

我们的爱就像连心眉一样引人瞩目。你的触摸就像伟哥一样,哇!Our love stands out like a unibrow. Your touch is like Viagra, oh wow!

毕竟,在美国历史上,这是亚洲人引人瞩目的一个篇章。This was a chapter of America in which Asians loomed large, after all.

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一条紧身的红色连身裤让伊娃成了昨天聚会上最引人瞩目的人。A red, skin-tight jump suit made Eva a shining star at yesterday's party.

当然,这些新伙伴中最引人瞩目的国家之一是中国。One of the most prominent of these emerging partners is, of course, China.

调查显示,美国展馆将会是最引人瞩目的场馆之一。America's pavilion, surveys suggest, will be one of the biggest crowd-pullers.

詹姆斯·卡梅隆无疑是二十世纪好莱坞乃至世界影坛最引人瞩目的电影人之一。James Camero is no doubt the most famous movie maker of Hollywood even in the world.

不过,在聚光灯向他的竞争对手转移之际,佩里并不引人瞩目。But Mr. Perry was little in evidence as the spotlight shifted to his battling rivals.

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我认为,这种关于城邦功能的观念,才是最为引人瞩目的It's the notion of what the function of that state is, I think, that is most striking.

这些量子革命者最引人瞩目的情况之一就是他们风华正茂。One of the most striking things about the quantum revolutionaries was their youthfulness.

甘线铁路是南北横贯大陆铁路线上的一条侧线,它的复兴更显得非同寻常,引人瞩目。The Ghan's revival on the north-south transcontinental line has been even more remarkable.