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这儿是枪栓。Here's the bolt.

步枪的枪栓咔嗒作响——空了。The rifle's bolt clacked—empty.

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别搬弄枪栓。Don't fiddle with the rifle bolt.

兵士们扳起火枪的枪栓准备射击。The soldiers cocked their rifles.

他的手摸到了机枪的枪栓。His hand felt for the bolt of the machine gun.

杨伯拉德的手伸向枪套,哨兵也“咔啦”拉上枪栓。Youngblood's hand goes to his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts.

涂料涂层完成后控制枪栓,将专用喷壶放置地面。Control the spray gun bolt after finishing painting, put the special watering pot on the ground.

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田树才拉下了枪栓,结果子弹没有射出来,田树才发誓自己从此以后和日本人不共戴天。Tian Shucai pulled the bolt, the bullet missed out, Tian tree swear I henceforth and Japanese feel irreconcilable hatred.

包括猎枪气枪动物屠宰机枪栓闪光信号枪发令枪弹药枪械复制品或仿制品弩。Including shotguns, air guns, humane killers, bolt guns, flare pistols and starting pistols, ammunition, replica or imitation firearms, cross bows.

我们一块擦枪,一名战士抱怨由于M-16的枪栓枪膛的特殊凹形结构,擦起来十分困难。While we were working on the weapons, one soldier complained about the unusual notched shape of the M-16's bolt and chamber, which makes it difficult to clean.

基本上你”枪栓式”的猎枪然后射击出现在萤光幕上的所有动物,像是鹿啊、驼鹿啊、小兔兔啊、狼啊、土狼啊、浣熊啊。Basically you take a pump-action shotgun and kill whatever woodland creatures come across the screen. These include deer, elk, rabbits, wolves, coyotes and raccoons.

用放置在枪管底端的转柄给它像手表一样上发条,当发条“全部上满”之后,用你的大拇指向后拉动枪栓,然后扣动扳机。Wind it like a watch with a key that's stored underneath the barrel, and when it's 'fully loaded' use your thumb to pull back the safety lever. Then squeeze the trigger.

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侧悬的枪栓使狙击手能够在上膛时视线不用离开目标,同时也避免了使用消音器而导致的气体反冲对脸部造成伤害。A side-mounted charging handle allows the shooter to perform reloads without removing their eyes from the target and prevents any gas blowback to the face when using a suppressor.

侧悬的枪栓使狙击手能够在上膛时视线不用离开目标,同时也避免了使用消音器而导致的气体反冲对脸部造成伤害。A side-mounted charging handle allows the shooter to perform reloads without removing their eyes from the target, and prevents any gas blowback to the face when using a suppressor.